2003-12-01 23:49:06阿呆呆


樹立綠建築的標竿--信義富邦─21世紀台灣建築新指標A Yardstick in 21st Century Environmentally Friendly "Green" Architecture in Taiwan-The "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion" 全球生態建築意識抬頭Rise of A Global Ecological Awareness in Architecture近世紀以來,全球生態環境急遽惡化,如:氣候反常、生態失衡等等危機紛現,世界各國尤其歐美等先進國家對於生態建築、永續建築、綠建築等列為世紀發展的戰略目標。Since the last century, the natural environment around the globe has been deteriorating, leading to such problems as climatic aberrations and ecological imbalance. For this reason, various countries in the world, most notably European countries and the United States, have come to see ecological architecture, sustainable architecture, and green architecture as their developmental goals for this century. 台灣地狹人稠、人口多集中於都會區,建築與都市建設多未做整體生態規劃,故以「綠建築」為基礎的「綠社區」、「綠都市」規劃設計,成為急要的課題。另由於地處太平洋火山帶,「安全建築」尤為首要考量目標。Taiwan is a small, densely populated island, especially in its metropolitan areas. However, architecture and urban construction are not based on all-round ecological considerations. As a result, the establishment of "green" communities and "green" urban planning featuring environmentally friendly "green" buildings are urgently called for. On the other hand, since Taiwan is located on the so-called "Pacific Fire Ring," safety also is a top consideration in the building industry. 台灣建築面臨轉型時期Changes are Imminent in Taiwan's Building Industry做為優質建築企業表率的「富邦建設」總經理薛昭信表示,「富邦建設」成立以來專注於建築意涵的表現,但,這些年台灣建築業如此不景氣,故早些年就已思索:要如何突破困境,找到發揮的空間?Since its founding, UniqueHomes has always paid close attention to architectural expressions, said Mr. Hsueh Chao-hsin, president of the prestigious construction firm.However, with the economic slowdown in recent years, we have been thinking how to surmount our plights and bring our expertise into play.建構人與自然的「土地倫理」Builders and natural "Land Ethics"首先,自1998年起舉辦「土地倫理」系列活動,帶領群眾去體認自然、尊重土地、保護原生動植物、認識自己的居住環境,進而喚醒人們尊重生命。透過「土地倫理」活動的宣言、宣誓,不僅得到了社會大眾的認同,引起社區民眾的共鳴。也從中體認到建築開發商與自然之間應該如何和諧相處的關係?其次,跳脫建築本位主義的想法,關注到了環境;緊接著,人的需求就被浮現了出來。因此,富邦建設致力推動三大目標─環保、安全、科技,務使建築符合防震、防災、防盜的基本要求。薛總表示,環保與安全需經科技整合,才能達到協調的環境,建築不單只是房屋內的關係而已。這些,似乎意味著台灣建築業該轉型期了呢。"In 1998, we launched a series of activities called "land ethics" as a bugle call for a better understanding of and more respect for land. We wanted the people to protect indigenous wildlife, know their own living environment and, respect life."We community at large identity itself with what is said in our declaration and dedication and became aware of ways in which developers and Mother nature can live in harmony.富邦建設簡介UniqueHomes-A Profile「富邦建設」是富邦集團中第一個以「富邦」命名的企業,也是極少數蔡總裁曾兼任董事長的企業體。UniqueHomes is "uniquely" named among the subsidiary enterprises under the FuBang Group and is one of a few enterprises personally directed by the Group chairman, Mr. Tsai.組織內涵蓋富邦建經、物業管理以及育樂事業等部份。這幾年已經成功建立起高品質辦公建築及優質住宅的品牌形象,接下來,發展優質建築則是「富邦建設」在21世紀持續努力的「永續建築」目標。Organizationally, UniqueHomes is comprised of ……. Over the last few years, the company has established its reputation as a blue-ribbon builder of both public and residential buildings. In the future, the company will continue to construct premium-quality buildings in an attempt to achieve its "sustainable architecture" goals. 同時,更透過建築作品呈現「綠色建築」、「安全建築」、「健康建築」的精神與觀念。他表示,過去建築常關注於人的層面較多,而忽略人與自然環境間其實應維持和諧共存的關係。In addition, the company will continue to make its buildings environmentally friendly, safety, and "wholesome." In the past, people in this industry focused their attention on man at the expense of the harmony between man and the environment. 「信義富邦」的指標性意義The "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Project" as an Exemplar「信義富邦」座落於台北市信義計畫區內最佳地段的12層豪宅大廈,其中規劃有「國際館」及「世紀館」兩棟不同訴求的住宅大廈。「國際館」是針對兩代同堂的大戶人家,「世紀館」則是針對高收入的都市新貴。The "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion" is an up-scale 12-story residential building located in the choicest section of the Hsin-yin Planning Zone in Taipei city. Its twin-tower structure, made up of the International Tower and the Century, is meant to appeal to two different groups of residents. The International Tower is meant for people living with their children, while the Century Tower is reserved for the high-income urban professionals. ─落實「綠建築」的設計觀Environmentally Friendly "Green" Design薛總表示,「信義富邦」是一個十足綠建築觀念下的產品,早在3年前「富邦建設」就希望能以前瞻性的眼光,打造出一棟可以與環境和諧共存的「永續建築」,既符合「生態建築」的標準,也能落實「綠建築」的觀念,栽種台灣本土性的原生種植物,培養原始的自然生態,進而創造出一個充滿蟲鳴、鳥叫的自然環境,除了給住戶一個舒適宜人的居家環境外,也保持了大自然一個好的生態。According to Mr. Hsueh, the guiding principle behind "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion" is the idea of environmentally friend buildings. Three years ago, UniqueHomes, with its prescience, hope to bring about a "sustainable" building that blends in harmoniously with the environment, in order to meet "ecological architecture" and "green architecture" requirements. It hoped to bring about a pristine environment by transplanting indigenous plants, in order to make it abuzz with a euphony of sounds produced by birds and insects. 為了做好「信義富邦」,「富邦建設」特別針對「綠建築」的主題邀請世界先進國家對綠建築有研究的專家學者來到台灣作了一系列的國際研討,吸收學習先進國家的經驗與智慧。這在台灣建築界,可說是大擘畫。Before it did anything, the company first invited experts from around the world to a series of seminars on "green architecture," in an effort to draw on the experiences of the world's advanced countries. The effort was unprecedented in scale and comprehensiveness in Taiwan's building industry. ─結構安全優先於一切Structure Safety First「信義富邦」單是產品定位及專案的操作模式就花了2年的時間,規劃過3次不同的設計案,期間經歷921地震,因此更深刻體認到「安全建築」的重要性。於是,結構強度的再提昇,調整4到5層的防衛系統,確保在任何狀況,哪怕是強震來襲,「信義富邦」都是最安全的居住環境。Having spent two years perfecting its construction plan and doing market research, UniqueHomes did not feel satisfactory until the third design. Meanwhile, in the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes that rocked Taiwan on September 11, 2000, UniqueHomes was deeply aware of the importance of safety. For this reason, it has further shored up the structural strengths of "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion", in order to make it impervious to future shocks. ─實至名歸的「信義富邦」UniqueHomes Deserves its High Reputation薛總表示,期許要在這不景氣的大環境下成為一個永續建築的標竿企業。「行者常至,為者常成。」如今「信義富邦」已被公認是「富邦建設」追求品質的代表作,不僅獲得專業上的認同,也榮獲內政部頒發綠建築標章及建築金石獎最佳規劃、施工品質等獎項,真可謂是實至名歸。Mr. Hsueh vowed to make his company an exemplary enterprise despite the ongoging economic slowdown. "He who works achieves and he who walks reaches his goal," he said. Now, "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion," a winner of many awards bestowed by the Interior Ministry, is common recognized as a hallmark of UniqueHomes' uncompromising stand for quality─永續經營的建築觀The Idea of Sustainable Architecture薛總又表示,未來的建築是將人與環境的關係拉近,人在和諧的生活環境中成長,而永續的建築就是有一個住宅讓一個新生兒到終老一生都能滿足其每個階段的需求。Future buildings must bring people near to the environment, in order to nurture harmonious human growth, Mr. Hsueh said. The idea of sustainable architecture is to meet the needs of people from their birth to old age.這,除了要有對市場的敏銳度外,並需結合先進的科技與技術才能達成。薛總說,該公司蔡董事長堅持品質的心與追求綠建築的理念,也是推動「信義富邦」完成的主要動力。This requires a keen market sense as well as advanced technology and sophisticated expertise. It must be noted, however, that one of the driving force behind the "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion" is Chairman Tsai's commitment to high standards and the idea of green architecture. 蔡董的眼光獨到的,他對本案寄予很高的期望。對富邦建設團隊來說,雖然這一段走的很辛苦,但每個人的辛勤付出也都因此而有了價值。他告誡全體同仁不能因此而自滿自足,希望未來能夠不斷地突破,保持卓越的競爭優勢,拋棄過去陳腐的觀念,將未來推出的建築個案帶到另一個境界,同時讓工作團隊能同步成長。A man of profound insight, Mr. Tsai pins high homes on the "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion." The UniqueHomes team has worked very hard on the project, but all team members hope their hard work will pay off. Mr. Tsai told team members they must not be complacent, but should work harder to bring about further breakthroughs and maintain the company's lead over others. He also asked them to discard obsolete ideas and work harder to widen their horizons. ─「信義富邦」建設團隊的名師陣容The Professional Lineup for "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion"在建築規劃方面:邀請到海峽兩岸經營有成的「華業建築師事務所」。Architectural Design: by "???? Architecture Firm," a company with highly successful operations in both Taiwan and mainland China.華業的董事長翁祖模建築師表示,「信義富邦」的買主大都曾經在國外生活過,所以如何將國外平房的空間感受,在大樓中呈現,這是一個首要的課題。其次,了解客戶對生活空間的需要,因為許多客戶對於臥室和廚房的尺度要求就與一般人明顯不同,例如:200坪的空間僅規劃出4個房間。Since most buyers of "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion" units have lived abroad, one of the most important problems was to bring the trappings of a typical "house" inside a 12-story building, said Mr. Weng Tsu-mo, chairman of ???? and an architect. Second, we must understand their demands on living space, Mr. Weng pointed out. For example, the kinds of bedrooms and kitchens they want differ in size from those of others, he explained翁建築師對於豪宅的定義是,講究個人化、有自己個性,並富有彈性的居住空間。這樣的豪宅定義要落實在集合住宅中是非常大的挑戰。在講求個性化的同時,又必須兼顧建築物的整體感。In Mr. Weng's view, a luxurious residence is one that is at once humane, personalized, and flexible. This is a major challenge. While we stress individuality, we also have to preserve the holistic nature of buildings, said Mr. Weng.. 他認為,住在這裡的客戶多是低調內斂、沉穩大器的,所以「信義富邦」在必須兼顧結構安全及保護客戶身家安全的前提下,來做建築規劃設計,務使本案在任何情況下,都能充分保障客戶及財產的安全。The "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion" is intended for people who prefer a low profile. So in hammering out its design, we gave a lot of thought to the question of how best to protect the property and safety of its future residents.在俱樂部規劃及室內設計方面:邀請到在台灣享有盛名的姚仁祿設計師及留美的佟一清設計師。The Club and Interior Design: By well-known Taiwan designers Mr. Yao jen-li and Mr. Tung Yi-ching.「智慧如活水流轉、心性似暖冬嬌陽」的姚仁祿大師,事業與志業兩忙,向擅長以貴氣與質感來表現大戶人家的氣質,在本案中親手規劃「國際館」的他如何看待本案呢?「認真與用心吧!」他表示。"Wisdom is like flowing water and the mind is like the Sun in Winter." That is Mr. Yao, who excels in creating a stately atmosphere in the homes of the rich and famous. The interior design of the International Tower is his work. How does his view the project. "It is the fruit of a serious attitude and hard work," he said. 成名甚早的姚仁祿,作品享譽國內外,兄弟三人更分別在空間、建築及燈光規劃設計領域上各擅勝場。Mr. Yao achieved his fame while he was still a young man. His works have earned him honors both at home and abroad. One of his two brothers is a famous space designer, the other, a famous lighting designer.姚仁祿在談到此案時說,以建築的功能來看,它只是純住宅,而且是出現在建築業及大環境景氣低迷,高低交界的時期。Functionally, the "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion" is a residential building which happened to be built during a economic slowdown.若以史的角度來看,對台灣建築做一個有趣的觀察,「信義富邦」是在高潮期被定位、在低潮期被推出。同時,「信義富邦」不因景氣轉差而使用低規格,這是它的特色。However, from a historical perspective, its "niche" was decided during an upturn in the property market, and its marketing began when the market hit rock bottom. 「信義富邦」原規劃為80餘戶,但在聽取其建議後,調整為40餘戶,足見業主專業與用心的程度。At first, the developer wanted more than 80 units, but reduced the number to 40 after hearing the advice of experts. This shows the developer's professionalism.921發生之後,姚先生配合業主加強結構之要求,將規劃中之「信義富邦」-「國際館」之一樓門廳增加斜撐以提昇建築系統的耐震力度及安全係數。After the September 21 earthquakes, at the request of the developer, Mr. Yao added diagonal props to the hallway on the first floor, making the whole structure more quake-resistant.於今看來,此一斜撐設計恰成了該館的另一項特色呢。The props are now a salient feature of the design.雖說較原規劃增加了些預算,但,他說,「不計高低,維持品味」本來就是富邦建設所堅持的理念。This entailed an increase in cost. UniqueHomes has always adhered to the principle of "good taste at all cost," hasn't it, he said. 「信義富邦」全案工程圓滿完成,他說,這是一種福報。Completion of the project is in itself a reward, he said.頂著名設計師光環的他,如是說,對於所曾設計過的每一個案子,認真與用心程度其實並無二致。According to Mr. Yao, his wholehearted care goes into every project he works on.他認為,本案是一個不錯的因緣,有充裕的時間、預算以及業主的充分信任,是本案得以成功的主要因素。尤其,「信義富邦」是在他進入「大愛電視台」之後富邦建設才力請原本時間就很有限的他接下的。所謂「慢工出細活」、「名師出好案」,「富邦建設」就是基於這樣一個認知,因此可說是給予姚先生相當的禮遇。而他也在每週三下午都會到現場「設身處地」,用心揣摩本案住戶的實際需要。Mr. Yao conjectured that his involvement in the project might have been a matter of "destiny." However, he attributed the success of the project to the amount of time he was given, a generous budget, and the trust of the developer. Mr. Yao graciously accepted UniqueHomes' invitation shortly after he joined a television channel despite the demands on his time. Convinced that it takes a lot of time to produce a masterpiece, UniqueHomes was most accommodating. Mr. Yao personally visited site every Wednesday afternoon to get a feel of the needs of the target residents.「能捨才能有得」就是這麼來的,捨棄多餘不必要的,賦予寬容、餘裕的建築空間元素及自然的光、影、空氣及生態環境,予住戶超大尺寸的空間、建材、家具與融合簡潔與氣度兼具的生活空間,「信義富邦」讓本案住戶擁有寬心─包容的心與空間。The "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion" is an example of "you give and then you take." By giving up the unnecessary and by offering its clients plenty of room, plenty of light, and the best building materials in an unpretentious and yet stately living space, UniqueHomes keeps its customers very much at ease. 留美建築及室內設計雙修的佟一清設計師,從最初的規劃及產品定位時期就開始參予「信義富邦」的設計,主要負責「世紀館」的門廳及空間規劃設計。「世紀館」的客戶定位,是針對年輕、高收入的都市新貴,由於設計規劃明確,當初的銷售成績也十分亮麗,並未受到台灣不景氣的影響。U.S.-educated architect and interior designer Mr. Tung was involved from the very beginning. The Century Tower's lobby and space design is his work. The tower is intended for high-income urban professionals. Its units are selling well, without being affected by the recession. 佟設計師表示,「世紀館」的設計風格走的是SMART & CASUAL的精緻休閒路線。在現有的建築條件下,將陽光、空氣、水這些綠建築的重要元素成功地帶進大廳、梯廳、泳池等公共區域及私人空間。又利用自然照明與人工照明的結合,大量運用間接光源讓室內空間感覺開闊。Mr. Tung aimed to achieve a "SMART & CASUAL" effect. The result is a generous supply of sunlight, air, water and other vital elements of green architecture in the lobby, up the stairwell, around the swimming pool and inside private homes. His extensive use of indirect light sources, including both natural and artificial lighting, has resulted in a space-amplifying effect. 除了空間本身的定義外,他不做過多繁複的設計,讓自由流通的空氣轉換成舒適的空間感;空間也不做太多的切割,讓間接光源柔和地折射,讓天然的材質訴說自己的語彙。Other than defining the space, Mr. Tung did not resort to excessive elaborate festoons. He simply let the free flow of air translate into a natural coziness, without excessively partitioning the space. Inside the building, soft light freely reflects and refracts and natural materials speak their own language.梯廳通道運用石材及噴砂鏡面,天花採用間接光源,溫柔的設計讓空間靄靄含光,產生延伸放大的空間效果。泳池及大廳正面全面展開,自然光照射到後院泳池。人造環境與自然光影巧妙地結合。室內空間規劃概念強調的是景觀,而景觀的重點則是要落實「綠建築」的設計觀。The sandblast stone hallways and the indirectly lit ceilings combine to produce a space-amplifying effect as well as a warmly misty atmosphere. The lobby and the swimming pool are also lit by natural light in an amazing combination of natural and man-made splendors. In line with the "green architecture" principles, the interior design stresses visual effects. 為了強調生活機能,所以在公共區域做了多重機能的規劃,兼顧安全性與機能性,也符合飯店式物業管理的要求。尤其大管家服務結合飯店管理及保全服務,滿足了每個住戶的生活需求。Public space is multi-functional and safe. Management is up to hotel standards. Resident will find the building's hotel-style management and security arrangements highly satisfactory. ─誠信實在的銷售策略A Down-to-Earth Marketing Approach「信義富邦」的銷售過程是業界的一個新指標,完全突破傳統賣預售屋的行銷手法,在預售階段採用極保守的預售策略,銷售人員不得誇大其辭,務以信實為主,這樣在交屋時才不致讓客戶有受騙的感覺。The highly innovative marketing process is a new milestone in the industry. Sales representatives only stated the facts in the presale to ensure there was no misrepresentation. 台灣建築領航員的自我期許A Pioneer's Aspirations 由於「信義富邦」的完成,使得富邦建設在台灣建築界居於領先的地位。薛總表示,在有壓力的環境下成長,才能持續追求領先的信念,更期許團隊未來能跨越更高的門檻。關於未來努力的方向是希望在競爭的環境裡,品質方面能更上層樓、更精緻化,促使台灣建築環境更好。出身建築人的薛總表示:「規劃設計及構思創新的idea並不難,最重要的是落實及準確的執行。」Completion of the "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion" has made UniqueHomes the leading construction firm in Taiwan. Growth under pressure is what it takes to maintain the company's lead, said Mr. Hsueh, who keeps encouraging his employees to do better. His next goal is to continue his quest for excellence and further improve Taiwan's building industry. "It is not difficult to come up with new ideas in planning and design. But it is difficult to put these ideas into practice." ─精心擘畫第三代建築Meticulously Planned Third-Generation Buildings現代社會不僅人與人的距離疏遠了,與自然的距離更加遙遠。薛總說,建築人的使命是要將這種疏離拉回,而不是更加破壞。因此,在「信義富邦」之後,更進一步精心擘畫的「福安紀念館」,都是植基於這樣的體悟與構思來從事實際的規劃與執行。福安紀念館更突破現有標準,以成為21世紀的標竿大樓為目標。Man is alienated from his fellow human beings in modern society, even more so from nature. The mission of builders is to bring man closer to each other and to nature, said Hsueh. UniqueHome's next project, the Fu-An Memorial Hall, has been conceived on the basis of this idea, said the UniqueHomes chairman, who vowed to make the hall a 21st Century symbol by surpassing existing building standards. ─建立未來建築的里程碑A Future Milestone對富邦團隊而言,「信義富邦」追求的目標是塑造出一棟符合未來生活住宅的指標性標準。例如:全棟採用的自動洒水、VRV變頻省能空調系統及雨、中水利用系統,這些都已成了富邦建設未來開發案的標準配備。同時,在這段執行和摸索的過程中,也建立了團隊的默契及同仁們對於品質與未來建築的共識。What the UniqueHomes team hoped for was a building that would meet future residential standards. Installed in it are an automatic sprinkling system, a VRV energy efficient air conditioning system, which will become standard equipment in all future UniqueHomes projects. While working on the "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih" project, the UniqueHomes team cultivated a teams spirit and a consensus on quality and future trends in architecture. 在薛昭信總經理的看法中,「信義富邦」是一個榮譽,對企業中的每個人都深具意義。它具有哥倫布式的開創性精神,勇敢付出極大代價及整合所有資源以取得領先的地位。未來台灣建築的競爭將更形激烈,但薛總認為富邦建設已經掌握正確的大方向。As Mr. Hsueh sees it, the "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion" is a badge of honor that means a lot to all UniqueHomes employees. Like the expeditions of Christopher Columbus, it embodies a pioneering spirit. Like Columbus, UniqueHomes has achieved its lead by pooling a lot of resources at a high cost. In the future, competition will be even more intense in Taiwan's building industry, but Mr. Hsueh is confidence his company is going in the right direction. 無論對富邦建設或整個台灣的建築界而言,「信義富邦」都是一個極具實驗色彩的建築作品,因為透過這個項目不僅與國內最佳的建築和設計團隊合作,在整個建構的過程中,品質、預算及時間的掌握也都是一大挑戰,它把所有的參予者及建築作品都引領到一個嶄新的境界,這是台灣建築史上空前的新頁。For UniqueHomes and Taiwan's building industry, the "UniqueHomes Hsin-Yih Mansion" is an experimental project that has brought together the most brilliant minds from the building industry and design profession. Its quality control, budget, and timing were major challenges. However, it has broadened the horizons of all people involved in it. This is unprecedented in the history of Taiwan's building industry.