2004-04-20 01:36:37小文Taku

When Dignity was Further Intruded

Earlier today we had the history exam. Cool. On the 15th we went to the Gold Coast to have dinner with Fion as a celebration for her birthday. The problem occurred when everyone was present - even Kristy came. What did she want? She even approached me directly today saying that she saw Vanni. Of course I could see the presence of Vanni, though I didn't give any reply. Good girl, afterall you're still much more 'skilled' that I am, having such a 'good' temper and a 'sincereity' in normalizing our relationship. Such 'sincereity' which is a virtue I do not possess, in fact is giving me a hard time.
"Where lies the conscience?" I still remember by heart this line of Shakespeare I met at that English drama event few years ago. Where lies YOUR conscience? Do you have one of such kind? My hatred towards such an ambivalent relation is out of your imagionation. I am still not used to deal with people dishonestly and I feel confortable in engaging into a relationship only when his/her faith can be assured. As now I have lost totally my faith over her, this is nearly impossible for me to face her confortably.
I am sorry to say that I endured a very difficult time in my life in the last situaion before the Talent Quest, making me incapable of accepting a detente until doubts in my mind were solved. I don't see that I am of any importance to you, my dear, so please leave me alone. Laissez-moi tranquille. Thank you for you cooperation.