2019-07-02 06:39:01hnfxp9vl1ftv
【評價實用商品】chicco 寶寶多功能護理台 Cuddle & Bubble Comfort 最新出版
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Chicco Cuddle & Bubble Comfort Baby Bath and Changing Table 設計式樣: DUSTY GREEN · 2019
Offer a warm welcome to your new baby with this cute 2 in 1 bath and changing table. This handy Baby Bath and Changing Table made by Chicco offers your little one a perfect place for cuddling, changing nappies or taking a warm and cosy bath.
All in one - changing mattress, bathtub and many places to store all the necessities and niceties you need to pamper your baby make the Chicco Cuddle & Bubble the ideal companion for the first months with your little one.
On the comfy and soft mattress your baby can be changed easily. Due to the anti-drop device on both sides and the removable mattress with an integrated head and body area, new parents can enjoy the best moments with their baby.
Right next to the changing pad there are many compartments in which you can store all the products necessary for changing nappies. Thus, you can keep everything you need handy and easy to reach while one hand is always free for your child.
To store nappies, towels and bodysuits there is a large shelf space with removable compartments.
In order to bathe your baby, you can easily remove the changing pad. The ergonomically shaped bathtub has been designed with a soft and anti-slip insert, thus your little one feels relaxed and safe. A practical filler jug for gently shampooing baby's hair is included in the delivery.
Using the Chicco Cuddle & Bubble Comfort Baby Bath and Changing Table is super easy: It has three adjustable height positions so that both mom and dad can enjoy spending precious time with their little one in the bathtub or on the changing mattress, no matter their height. Two practical little wheels make it easy for you to transport the station, e.g. to the nursery or to your warm bathroom. If Chicco Cuddle & Bubble is not used, you can easily fold and fasten it with large buttons. This way you can store it in almost any corner.
Product details:
- Suitable right from birth
- Available in various colours
- 2 in 1 baby bath and changing table
- Soft and removable comfort-mattress
- Ergonomic bathtub with soft, anti-slip insert
- Three adjustable height positions 本季最新款推薦
- Plenty of storage options
- Incl. filler jug for shampooing
- Foldable to compact size (L 80 x W 44 x H 88 cm)
chicco 寶寶多功能護理台 Cuddle & Bubble Comfort
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chicco 寶寶多功能護理台 Cuddle & Bubble Comfort
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