2004-03-24 23:08:26鸚鵡
哈 不知道吧.....原來是 Love...^^
根據A.F Sisson 上的比較... 足足有 70個喔..@@"
好吧....love 是最多的 那....hate 呢.....還好只有 53個..
難怪 LOVE 那樣的濫用...我也不用那樣堅持和鑽牛角尖....不說
I love you...
I love you so much.
I'll always love you.
I love you with all my heart.
From the bottom of my heart,I love you......
何況fondness、enamor、fancy、liking ......等等
It is difficult to know at what moment love begins:
it is less difficult to know that it has begun.
PS:這相片是1999年 世紀末暗戀桃花源 這場我有到現場看喔...^^
哈 不知道吧.....原來是 Love...^^
根據A.F Sisson 上的比較... 足足有 70個喔..@@"
好吧....love 是最多的 那....hate 呢.....還好只有 53個..
難怪 LOVE 那樣的濫用...我也不用那樣堅持和鑽牛角尖....不說
I love you...
I love you so much.
I'll always love you.
I love you with all my heart.
From the bottom of my heart,I love you......
何況fondness、enamor、fancy、liking ......等等
It is difficult to know at what moment love begins:
it is less difficult to know that it has begun.
PS:這相片是1999年 世紀末暗戀桃花源 這場我有到現場看喔...^^