2010-02-05 22:35:16Dominick

A new discovering

  Today I only have mild loose bowel movement. I feel much better. The skin lesion is getting better. But some maculopapular rashes are so itching. They are old problem ever since. Kind of the first sign for my immune syster converted by the virus. My antibiotics for the Staphylococcus infection were out of stock. And the skin lesions are not totally gone yet. That's why I went back to Doctor earlier today for another week supply. But when I show him the itching rash. He gave me a horrifying diagnosis. "Scabies!!!" How it possible. I immediately consult the internet after I got back. I compare the pictures from internet over and over again. They don't look alike at all. The pictures on the internet said there are usually burrow line and located on web space of hand and foot. Although he prescribed the external medication for that. But good thing he also asked me to see a dermatologist for it. Maybe that's mean he is not sure. On my opinion, he is definitely wrong for this time. But for my own good, I think i do need to see a specialist for these. But I just don't know how to tell another doctor my original problem. Without the primary diagnosis, I doubt the specialist can find out what's really happen to me. Anyway, at least he will prove to me it's not "SCABIES".

  And today I also discover some information from internet. There is connection below:
http://journal.shouxi.net/html/qikan/zgyx/zgzyyxxzz/2009101610/zjlt/20100121091446673_503815.htmlThe article is talking about some chinese traditional medicine that was found to have the anti-HIV activity and immune enhancement with comparison the treatment of HARRT from them. Surprisingly, mainland china has very advance of chinese traditional medicine. I heard someone told me long time ago that mainland somehow is better than us in this for about 20 years earlier. Now I am kinda stunned. Oh well, no matter what it's good thing. But I am just trying hard to understand what exactly all those effective herbs are. So far I know the things I am taking right now are included. Like Lingzhi, Ginseng, Astragalus are for the immune enhancement. But all those can actually kill virus. Like  "紫花地丁、甘草素、黄瓜提取物、天花粉蛋白、虎杖" What are they? I really have no idea yet. Let me figure them out later on. Hopefully, I can just take them instead of HARRT.