2008-01-18 13:48:48sui

Pound cake 磅蛋糕

也是最常用來鼓勵朋友、表示心意或是解除壓力的方式 -s 的專屬魔法-。

from wikipedia
”Pound cake” is also the American English name for a type of fruitcake. Its name, ”Pound cake”, originated from the ingredients used in quantities of English pounds. This results in a large, dense cake not often suited to modern American tastes, though the style (if not the size) is still popular in Britain.

A traditional British Pound Cake recipe would specify one pound each of flour, butter, eggs (8 eggs), sugar, and several kinds of dried fruit (currants, sultanas, and raisins, with perhaps a lesser quantity of glacé cherries). (These quantities are too great for most modern families, but the cake can be made with half quantities or less.) It is usual to weigh the eggs first and then use the same weights of the other ingredients; with a traditional pair of kitchen scales, the eggs are simply used instead of weights.

1. 100 g/2 Oz 自發粉 (或低筋麵粉+1茶匙發粉)
2. 100 g/2 Oz 細白砂糖
3. 100 g/2 Oz 奶油
4. 1 個蛋
5. vanilla drops 幾小滴香草精/rum萊姆/牛奶
6. 50-100 g 調味材料 (巧克力/伯爵茶/水果泥如香蕉/蜂蜜)

1. 預熱烤箱 - 180度 -
2. 先攪拌糖+奶油+蛋成奶白色細緻的蛋糊 (同方向攪拌/通常我會先將奶油+糖攪拌,再加入蛋汁攪拌)
3. 拌入已篩過2-3次的麵粉,攪拌均勻
4.拌入想調味的材料+vanilla drops
5.將模具內層膜上ㄧ層非常薄的奶油 (以防麵糊沾黏模具)
7.置入烤箱約30-45分鐘 (如300g麵粉 需45-60分鐘)

附註-在製作本身調味已很甜的蛋糕時如水果或巧克力,我會調整份量為100g麵粉+60g糖+60g奶油+1個蛋的比例 (想製作多份量就同比例增加份量。)
秀秀 2008-01-20 11:48:37


一磅等於十六盎司等於453.59237 克,換算回來,一公斤約等於2.20462磅。 2008-01-21 11:42:43