2009-07-30 02:24:49Hertford

Tasting - Four Glen Garioch

Glen Garioch 15yo 50% OB Bordeaux Wine Cask Finish

C: rose gold

21 N: 松木,檜木,檀香木,各種不同木頭味的混合.相當有趣. 巴西蘑菇,梅乾片, a little fresh prune, followed by some honey, fresh and clean.

20 T: light, orange peal, prune juice, fruity, nutmeg, a little bitterness at the root of tongue

21 F: medium, berries, different wood casks, chocolate, orange peal,餘韻香甜,頗為綿長

21 B: good balanced, better for nosing, but few complexes at the end, one interesting bottle


Glen Garioch 1990 17yo 53.5% OB Bordeaux wine Cask Finish

C: deep amber

22 N: sherry,紅棗, prune, mint leaf, a little ACL and sour, sandal wood, cherry, them some 梅果實, fruity

21 T: medium, round, plum, prune, orange, raisin, a little dry, creamy

20 F: medium, prunes, beautiful wood cask, sandal wood, finish in some orange,木瓜皮

20 B: balanced, better for nosing

PS.感謝Richard's sample


Glen Garioch 1978 18yo 59.4% OB C#4768-10602~10605, 20950~10954

C: amber

22 N: elegant sherry, excited ALC, oak, camembert cheese, cream, followed by some walnut, cherry, a little prune, orange, sweet, baked wood, complexes and rich

21 T: medium body, dry, good strength, thin wood cask, a little bitter, raisin, orange peal, ginger, then a little waxy, cookie,中藥蔘片

22 F: long, fresh cream, beautiful sherry, wood cask, chocolate, prune, still variant, but few complexes in finish, maybe needs more time

21 B: balanced, especially for nosing, and good layers


Glen Garioch 1970 27yo 49.8% OB Hogshead C#14

C: amber

23 N: tropical fruit, coconut,仙楂梅,梅乾片,theme, some soft spices, fresh cream, followed by some figs, milk, toffee, full of texture

22 T: medium, round and rich, a little dry and bitterness, ginger, some white chocolate, oil, dry prune

22 F: long, ginger, dry fruits, a little green curry, peach, white flowers at the end. Also finish in some beautiful wood cask

22 B: good balanced both for N & T. impressive, very comfortable and easy to drink!

PS.感謝susc's sample