2008-08-17 03:34:51Hertford

Tasting - Four Old Ardbeg


Ardbeg 1978/1998 43% OB
C: yellow
22 N: Straw, vanilla, cream, Tropicana orange juice, then Boston pie, lemon cake, a little peat, seaweed, slightly sherry, 後有一點中藥味及mushroom
21 T: medium, round, ginger, juicy, vanilla, cream, a little salty, peaty
20 F: 香氣中等, 後段較為溫暖, milk tea, cream, ginger, 中藥味頗重且長. 尾韻較短, 舌根有一點苦味及硫磺味
20 B: 香氣及口感皆屬均衡, 唯變化皆不足

Ardbeg 1976/2000 53.2% OB Committee C#2394 466Bts.
C: brown amber, deep gold
24 N: 濃郁而細緻的果味, 柑橘, 瓜果甜, 甜桃, 黑李, 香氣溫潤而馥郁, 後出現一些木桶味, 一點smoky, bagel, 後則有淡淡的糖炒栗子的甜味, 香氣相當複雜而有層次感!
23 T: full body, 酒體溫潤飽滿, 入口隨之乍現的是滿滿的果味, 水蜜桃, 甜桃; 接著有一縷煙燻, 一點苦茶, chocolate味, 入喉回甘, 而後口中則殘存一點金萱茶的奶味, 相當令人驚訝!
24 F: long, very long, 終感有些許syrup, baked apple pie, 酒釀櫻桃等果味, 餘韻則是漂亮的木頭味偏多, 樟木, 檀木, 柚木, 口中仍充滿著溫潤的茶香, 細密而悠長, 相當享受!
24 B: 酒體平衡度極佳, 漂亮的燒烤木桶味, 支撐的力道相當強勁, 整體而言香器及口感極為均衡, 表現極佳且不可多得的一支好酒!!

Ardbeg 1975/2006 30yo 40.9% OB C#4699 Bot#23/121 Bourbon
C: yellow gold
23 N: 明顯的果香味及瓜甜, melon peer, 蜜李, 白甜桃, a little mint, white pepper, vanilla, peat sweet, white flower, heather, 一點白花油, rich and complexes! 相當清爽宜人~
21 T: 稍感到瘦乾的酒體, hint of mint, a little dry, lightly peat, sweet, 白甜桃, tea, followed by a little liquorices and grass, 回甘
22 F: long, 舌中有些許dry, 不知是否為木桶所影響, a little liquorices, 麥桿及苦味, 尾韻香氣相當綿長, peat, heather, 白甜桃, 瓜果甜味, 相當迷人, 不忍將鼻子移開. 唯終感稍嫌乾瘦, 餘韻稍短, 令人感覺一絲遺憾
22 B: Good balanced! 香氣均勻討喜, 口感變化略顯不足, 否則應可直上90. 該不會是我sample放太久了!?

Ardbeg 1972/2006 48.5% OB C#868 B#74/236
C: brown amber, deep gold
23 N: 明顯瓜果甜味, 甜桃, 黑李, 哈密瓜, 果味豐富, 一點蜂蜜,莓果, 接著有vanilla, Boston pie, lemon cake, rich flavors, 接著有一點薄荷油, peat, heather, 及白花油, 後則有一點薄鹽醬油, 油菜花, 海帶芽的味道
22 T: full body, a little salty, dry and spicy, oil, mint, and straw. Followed by ginger, vanilla, lemon pie, a little bitterness of chocolate at the root of tongue, rich and round
23 F: long, very long, 餘韻有明顯melon peer, peach, 白甜桃等瓜果香甜, 終感則有明顯peat sweet, a little sea wind salty, 舌中帶一絲苦澀?
23 B: very balanced! Deep and rich aroma for nosing, round, very good texture of tasting, both better than C#4699, 相當享受的一支老阿貝, 我很喜歡!

ljshen 2008-08-19 22:34:51


Dave 2008-08-17 23:45:24

厲害厲害, 95分哩! 我的評分好像從來沒那麼高過, 那應該是非常深刻的感動!

Brian 2008-08-17 22:27:34

那支Ardbeg # 2394 應該是466b吧 ?
還是我寫錯了 ?

我是偷懶看Manics Monitor..看來資料有誤~
2008-08-17 23:00:51