2008-06-03 22:56:36naya

We’re in the Money


呼呼呼,最近非常有趣的事情之一,就是羊兒的踢踏舞老師改編了一支經典百老匯音樂劇"42th Street"裡的舞"We’re in the Money"。

"We’re in the Money"原來是一首在1930年代經濟大蕭條(The Great Depression)寫的歌,歌詞是這樣的:

We’re in the money,
We’re in the money;
We’ve got a lot of what it takes to get along!
We’re in the money,
The skies are sunny;
Old Man Depression, you are through,
You done us wrong!

We never see a headline
’Bout breadline, today,
And when we see the landlord,
We can look that guy right in the eye .

We’re in the money
Come on, my honey
Let’s spend it, lend it,
Send it rolling around!

We’re in the money,
We’re in the money;
We’ve got a lot of what it takes to get along!
We’re in the money,
The skies are sunny;
Old Man Depression, you are through,
You done us wrong!

We never see a headline
’Bout breadline, today,
And when we see the landlord,
We can look that guy right in the eye.
Look that guy right in the eye-
Look that guy right in the eye-

We’re in the money
Come on, my honey
Let’s spend it, lend it, send it-
Let’s spend it, lend it, send it
Rolling, rolling-
Rolling around!

在42th Street裡,踢踏舞者拿著金光閃閃的金幣大跳踢踏舞,整支舞閃亮亮到極點呀。現在物價飛漲,如果大家也拿著金光閃閃的大金幣在街頭跳舞,一面唱"我們在錢堆裡...我們有很多可以過日子的錢啦!...我們看房東的時候,可以直視那傢伙的眼睛啦!...我們在錢堆裡啦!來吧,我們來花錢、借錢、花錢、灑錢,花錢、借錢、灑錢,灑錢滿地滾啦!"應該很過癮吧!:D

42th Street在東尼獎的開場真是讚到爆!好閃亮好閃亮好閃亮啊~~~

naya 2008-06-07 15:00:10

雖然Hoofing蠻炫的,但羊兒最愛的還是Broadway Style!:D

樂梅 2008-06-07 10:03:05
