2005-07-27 05:07:01HEn‧Li LEe

hi there ?

hi there?
long time no see. no hear. no smell.....no...ok i stop.

well these days, fucking happy. i bet you know it from my xanga. a beach, cocoa beach. (to remark this day, i have bought a quicksilver tee that stated "COCOA BEACH" on it)

well, the beach is nice, with my fds, days are easy. i have spent like 6 hours there. it's 6 hours. we did take loads of photos. guess what, for a party of 6, we have taken 150 pictures on the beach. it's pretty cool though, i will show you when i am in hong kong.

btw, can you plz e-mail your address to me, i need to send you a postcard. do you want to have an AMERICAN STAMP or a TINKERBELL chop instead? plz tell me in the e-mail. btw, can you plz open a xanga acc, so that i can show you some protected entry. sth, i wanna tell you and my fd, but i don't want to write 2 times, so if you've got a xanga's, you can subscribe me, and i can PROTECTED the entry and limit the readers' number.

anyways, there's only 1 month left. how're you ar? any trips? any LUNCH or DINNER gathering? huh, tell me if you have one. any progress on anything? whatsoever, just tell me. PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz.

ok. back to the old topic. haha. i bet you have beeen waiting this for so long.

we WERE together for a few days. haha, so funny. the status now is FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS. that's really good ar, no commiment. well, i bet you will be suprise abt that. i don't wanna tell you the details here. i would like to share with you what happen in e-mail. waiting for you. see ya, take care. peace.