2024-06-23 12:50:21heidiwptl3

名片設計 向量圖庫

所屬類別 :設計素材圖庫系列
類別系列1:3D CAD素材
類別系列2:視頻教學:3D CAD 人體漫畫素描
商品關鍵字:Maya角色動畫教程人物角色創建 卡通車模視 素描藝術 Maya燈光渲染 人體素描 四足獸動畫
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Digital tutor 公司2007.10月最新發佈的Maya燈光渲染教學,學習高效地燈光設置流程,掌握渲染時為加入實現更多真實感地基本技術.這張教學時長近3小時,提高藝術家們學習技術和創造數位藝術的進程。
Learn an time-saving workflow to lighting and essential techniques for adding greater realism when rendering in Maya. Contains 3 hours of project-based training - Ideal for new and beginning artists.
Introduction to Lighting in Maya
Popular highlights include:
Overview of Maya Light Types
Setting up Depth Map Shadows
Utilizing Raytrace Shadows
Light Decay Rates
Creating Custom Light Intensity Curves
Controlling Render Statistics for Geometry
Creating Volumetric Lighting Effects
Building Shaders to Simulate Visible Light Sources
Adding Environment Fog to Scenes
Simulating Realistic Camera Effects with Light Glows
Light Linking
Creating Gobos and Projectors
Practical Lighting Exercises and Scenarios

Digital tutors Introduction to Lighting in Maya

Lesson Outline:
1. Introduction and project overview?? 1:28
2. Overview of Point, Spot, and Area lights 4:49
3. Overview of Ambient, Directional, and Volume lights 4:55
4. Controlling a light’s color, intensity, and decay rate 10:37
5. Exploring the unique lighting properties of Ambient lights 7:45
6. Understanding the essential attributes of the Spot light 8:37
7. Using Barn Doors to alter the Spot Light’s beam 5:31
8. Using Intensity Curves to control light decay 8:23
9. Using Color Curves to change light color based on distance 11:21
10. Understanding the unique properties of Volume Lights 7:44
11. Detailed overview of Depth Map shadows 13:23
12. Incorporating Raytraced Shadows into your scenes 8:59
13. Adjusting the Render Stats of objects in your scene 8:09
14. Using shaders to mimic a visible light source 6:58
15. Incorporating Light Glows for realistic camera effects 10:46
16. Exploring the use of Light Fog to create volumetric lighting effects 11:37
17. Using Light Linking and Shadow Linking 10:47
18. Using Gobos to create complex shadow patterns 9:34
19. Practical lighting exercise (part 1) 10:55
20. Practical lighting exercise (part 2) 16:59


台灣網球女雙好手詹皓晴與俄羅斯搭檔庫德梅托娃(Veronika Kudermetova)闖進柏林女網冠軍戰。(圖/詹皓晴提供)

▲台灣網球女雙好手詹皓晴與俄羅斯搭檔庫德梅托娃(Veronika Kudermetova)闖進柏林女網冠軍戰。(圖/詹皓晴提供)

台灣網球女雙好手詹皓晴本週繼續攜手俄羅斯搭檔庫德梅托娃(Veronika Kudermetova)在德國柏林草地女網賽出擊,前役碰上雨神擾事,歷經搶十激戰爆冷逆轉頭號種子晉級4強,22日台灣時間深夜,台俄聯軍在準決賽登場,最後耗時1小時11分鐘以6:4、6:3直落二漂亮扳倒捷克組合斯尼科娃(Katerina Siniakova)/諾斯科娃(Linda Noskova),挺進冠軍戰,朝本季第2冠邁進。

德國柏林女網賽是WTA500等級草地職業賽,詹皓晴和俄羅斯搭檔庫德梅托娃(Veronika Kudermetova)努力為7月登場的草地大滿貫溫布頓網球錦標賽暖身,柏林賽首輪就直落二解決墨西哥前搭檔奧爾摩斯(Giuliana Olmos)/俄國史蒂巴諾娃(Alexandra Stepanova),8強賽遭遇大雨干擾,經過3盤激戰,成功扳倒頭號種子美國馬蒂內茲(Nicole Melichar-Martinez)/澳洲培瑞斯(Ellen Perez)闖進4強。



本文來自: https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=1488050