2005-07-22 15:06:51Moody

My advice

Put one eye on changing yourself into a proactive one, Put another eye on your money – now and future, in your pocket and bank, fame or credit,in any forms.

There are lots of negative news on net marketing, it really makes me uncomfortable on it. You’d better get advice from your brother whom is more experience than you in this area: if it is true, he should be a half-million now!

We are getting into channel century. Everyone knows that channel is important, but we also know that it can’t create value.

Before you hand in your wealthy to others, please ask your brother and your friends for more information. Chance is important but life is much more important. You can put your spare time on it, but don’t put your heart on it.

By the way, you are a adult now. go to exploror the world and fresh your mind is always a good idea. go to check out how other people live their life will help you to improve yourself.

My brother will go to guangzhou at 27 and may reach there at 28 or 29 . i will go to see my mom and brother at the end of July. I am uite busy in resent several months.

keep your eye on yourself. Good luck