2004-04-02 22:10:04尚未設定

嗨! 你

I am listening to the "Bizzare Love Triangle" by Frente.
You know this song, on the way we went to 馬拉邦山.
Yes, I was surprised to know this song was one of your collections also.
How can I do? Miss you..and every moment we spent together.
再過半年我就要結婚了, 嗯, 你會不會永遠的離開我?
It is for sure, isn't it? I just hate to image that.
Let me know how are you all the time, just like old friends.
Miss you.

To our belated relationship, Cheers to your bright future.
Knowing that you are fine makes me strong.

I believe we will be fine, and will be good friends.
Way to go.