2008-10-15 15:44:14Charles



  日本攝影大師森山大道(Daido Moriyama)於2004年到2005年間旅居阿根廷,所拍攝的阿根廷景物都收錄在他的作品集「布宜諾斯艾利斯」(Daido Moriyama Buenos Aires - the book of travel in mind)。


"...Buenos Aires, a town of wild dogs, a villa, tango and football...there is a chaos and seduction in such a junky and hip town. Yet, its atmosphere makes me feel a nostalgia that brings to mind of times gone by...A shady and fishy town, with bands of wild dogs, a mixed breed of people and indigenous music, such a town is undoubtedly sexy..."         Daido Moriyama



pipi 2008-11-24 13:44:40

年初在東京都寫真美術館看過森山大道個展, 展出不同時期的作品, 無論是風景或是人物, 都具強烈的感情
可惜布宜諾斯艾利斯作品輯頗厚, 掙扎再三, 終究沒有搬回來