2008-06-03 01:56:53北方的狼

好文分享─The Ends of Many Rides

─ The Way We Finish a Ride Is Often as Significant as The Ride Itself

There have been rides ending in cold rivers on hot days. And rides ending in front of fireplaces while snow fell outside and logs popped as they burned, my fingers warming to the cup they were wrapped around, achingly regaining feeling. Rides that have taken me back to my front door after days away, or after a quick hour right as the light changed from afternoon to evening. Rides that have left a dusty track vectoring across the tire track of the car in the empty parking lot.

Rides that have finished in a raucous mess of a derby. Rides that have ended as one friend after another peeled off to navigate their own paths to their own homes. Rides that have ended completely alone, the way they started, in contemplative silence.

Every ride unravels toward its own end. And every end is its own reward. Cherish each and every one of them because there won’t be another one just like it.

─ by Mike Ferrentino, pp. 058, 《bike magazine》, Mar. 2008.

* Photo by C.C. Chang (Jacky), 飛鳳道(苗栗縣), Dec. 22, 2007

上一篇:(好聽的歌) 星願

清流 2008-06-07 18:00:04


不過還是很努力的騎了上去 ^_^



我那天是從玉清大橋附近找路切進去的(公路車+卡鞋), 路況很差, 上坡時還好但下坡時就很慘了. 本來是計畫依地圖從飛鳳道接到鳴鳳道路去, 都已經攻頂成功了, 卻........路斷了!!
只好折返, 也因此趕上這漂亮的落日美景; 有捨有得. ^_^
2008-06-17 17:35:59
Calvin 2008-06-03 21:07:51


有些不常見的字, 也是查了字典才確定意思; 不過, 圖片應該是不言而喻吧... (探索苗栗飛鳳道返程路上) 2008-06-04 16:48:26