2008-09-06 23:54:39茶茶 =口=


hang out with guys this friday
and they are not loser anymore
they are nothing....hahaXD
they are really cool=] anyway
friday we went to starbucks first
for study chinese and I was learning how to tie a tie
then we met two girls hahaXD
first I though shunyang pao them
and after studied we went to la rose to had dinner
then borhung told me kevin gave him 100 rmb
( kevin trys to pay for us )
I was mad...a bit lor
then you ordered the food
and we saw the teo girls came to us
omg...they talk to shunyang again
hahaxD lots of lots of thing
20 minsor longer
finally they left....
borhung said...shunyang is not you pao them is them pao you
we laught
anyway we ate..
shunyang ordered a QQ chicken pizza
but actually is QQ chicken peper pizza
the pizza got like 5 kg of peper
hahaXD and everything was really really cool lah
then we sat at la rose and chatted
hahaxD everthing was really funny
like 水牛=孫悟空的哥哥=.......(hehe)
then we went back to starbucks
played games


after everything we went home
LCand me make the story
after that sory is secret

shunyang and borhung was really ...heheXD
they don't allow me to tell other ppl lor
coz is really 不知道用怎樣的形容詞形容

anyway that's all
