2009-07-16 02:00:15Happy and Sweet

Trip to Mammoth 10 July 209 – 12 July 2009 (1)

Day 1
Teddy, Paul, Rea與愛玩甜約好了一起去個三天兩夜之旅~! 由Teddy當司機,Paul當領隊,照著GPS前進Mammoth。
我們的第一個地點是Lake Tenaya。”我家門前有小河,後面有山坡”就是在說這裡囉~! 美麗的風景,像不像明信片呢? Paul好興奮!拉著Rea四處跑! (聽他說,他自己太興奮了,早上4點就爬起來了。 哈哈) 愛玩甜呢? 當然是下水去玩囉~


一路上我們說說鬧鬧的,開過Yosemite(開過頭了,還開回來),經過HW120, 108終於到達我們的目的地,Mammoth. (不過 Rea也暈車暈得差不多了,連晚餐都吃不下。 Poor girl 秀秀~)

PS While on our way, we past a small local shop on the HW, where outside the shop, there's a NZ flag. It's owned by a Kiwi owner from North Island.