2005-10-24 15:15:02Hans


Tasting Notes Reference 品評參考
How to make objective tasting notes:1 Colour顏色 (請觀察酒在杯子中所呈現的色澤)
Please observe the appearance after pouring a measure of whisky into an appropriate glass.
金黃色-Full gold 紅木色- Mahogany 暗黃 -pale gold 深雪莉- Oloroso Sherry

2 Aroma香氣 (運用您敏銳的嗅覺發覺酒中深藏的味道)Sniff the whisky and detect the aroma.
芳香-fragrant 溫和- Warming 刺鼻- Prickly

3 Flavour 味道
(1)口感Mouthfeel :(啜飲適量的酒並讓它在口中攪動,看看有何新發現)Take a moderate sip to fill your mouth and roll it over your tougue.

柔順-Smooth 黏稠- Viscous 乾-Drying 清新- Clean 澀口-Puckering 穠稠-
(2)味覺Primary Taste: 甜-Sweet 苦- Bitter 鹹- Salty 酸- Sour

4 Finish 終感 This part is an overall description of this flavour in which you find. Here are two questions you could ask yourself.

(1): Does the flavour linger or fade?這杯酒餘味悠長或只是曇花一現?
(2): Do you feel any balance in this whisky?這支酒夠均衡嗎?

5 Make your commend and share with your companions 分享心得
Having pleasure while tasting whisky is the most essential matter above all, but how exciting if we are both enjoying and learning . We wish every participant would have a chance to understand the know-how and always keep companion with Sun-Favorite members

6 開始寫下您的品評吧(Now, here is your chance to start making your tasting note, go on!!)