2020-04-26 00:31:31hankpa88

肯亞動物園最夯混血明星! 猜猜我的爸媽是誰?

<p>根據CNN報導,肯亞休魯山國家公園近期發現可愛斑驢 | A zonkey was spotted at the zoo in Kenya (Courtesy of David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust)</p>

根據CNN報導,肯亞休魯山國家公園近期發現可愛斑驢 | A zonkey was spotted at the zoo in Kenya (Courtesy of David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust)


Do you think it’s just a donkey? Look closely and a question will arise in your mind, “Why does it have stripes on its four legs?”


According to CNN, this animal, which combines the sturdy body of its donkey sire and the striped legs of its zebra mother, was spotted standing by a zebra’s side at the Chyulu Hills National Park in Kenya.

A zebra mother and a donkey father gave birth to this striking creature.


The donkey-zebra hybrid is called “Zonkey,” which has stripes in light colors covering its body. If you look in the distance, it looks just like a donkey.

當地野生動物基金會(Sheldrick Wildlife Trust)表示,一開始看到它以為是斑馬在做泥巴浴,但後來才恍然大悟,我們任性的斑馬生下了一頭斑驢。

According to the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, they initially chalked up the animal’s hue to a bath in some mud. “At first, we thought that it had just been wallowing in the mud bath, but then the truth dawned on us: Our wayward zebra had given birth to a zonkey,” it said.


“While zebra foals are born with white and brown stripes that eventually turn black, this little one’s body was suspiciously light on stripes and overwhelmingly tawny in color,” the Trust added. 


However, Trust said zonkeys are mules, meaning that they will not be able to breed successfully once they reach maturity. 

The Trust noted that the mother and baby are thriving.