2011-07-03 03:35:38Handsome Cat

美國國慶日(7月4日),到Peace Arch Park「隔岸觀火」,欣賞煙火表演



緊臨著加美邊境,華盛頓州的City of Blaine,循例都會舉辦一系列的慶祝活動,包括:遊行、手工藝展售以及現場演唱等


晚上10:15的時候,則會在Semiahmoo Bay施放高空煙火。


有興趣的人,倒不必費心過境到美國去,只要在Peace Arch Park隔岸觀看即可!






Join Us for an Old Fashioned 4th of July Celebration!

Thousands come to Blaine on the 4th of July to experience all that is red, white and blue. The festivities on the 4th begin at 8:00 a.m.with a pancake breakfast and continue with free activities for the whole family throughout the day, including live music starting at 9:30 am and a 4th of July parade down Peace Portal Drive at 12:00 pm .


There will also be an arts and crafts street fair, classic car Show & Shine, kid’s activities, and Historic Plover Ferry rides at Blaine Harbor (by donation). A free dazzling fireworks show will take place at 10:15 pm over Semiahmoo Bay from Blaine Marine Park.


For a complete schedule of event activities or for a parade entry form:


Call (360) 332-4544 or online at www.blainechamber.com.