2010-10-17 10:55:31Handsome Cat

10 tips for sale winter driving



為提高冬季駕車的安全性,Transport Canada為所有用路人提出了以下的「10 tips for sale winter driving」,道理淺顯易懂,卻也是容易疏忽的!


1. Get your vehicle ready for winter in the fall


2. Install four matching winter tires.


3. Pack an emergency kit.


4. Learn and practice winter driving techniques before you need them.


5. Plan your trip, check road and weather conditions.


6. Remove all snow from your vehicle before each trip.


7. Give yourself extra travel time in bad weather by gettingan earlier start.


8. Avoid using overdrive and cruise control on slippery roads.


9. Travel with a fully charged cell phone and full gas tank.


10. Slow down and wear your seatbelt.


以上內容係摘錄自「NowOct. 08, 2010的報導—“Are you ready for winter?”