2016-04-27 08:21:06hammonjr2pf6

新竹家教 學習英語 一般上班族英文 bird strike中文意思是什麼

    英語 台中美語補習班 看漫畫學英文線上德文 高中英文教材線上美語 英文好好學卡通學英語 英語日常對話如何學英文單字 國小英文課程一對一線上學英文 ted 英文 雜誌學英文教學影片 英文 如何學英文發音國文家教 台北補習



bird strike中文意思是什麼

bird strike解釋


  • bird: BIRD =International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (聯合國)國際復興開發銀行。n 1 鳥,...
  • strike: vt (struck; struck 〈古語〉 stricken;striking)1 打,敲,擊,毆;碰,撞,攻擊,沖擊。2 (用尖刀...

  • Paris : biochemists in the us beliee they may hae found the achilles heel of the h5n1 irus ? and not just of the bird flu pathogen but of a wide range of other influenza strains

    巴黎:美國的生化學家相信他們發現了h5n1病毒的阿喀琉斯之踵- -不僅是禽流感病原體,還包括其他的多種流感毒株
  • You just smashed the state bird of alabama

  • The strike proved to be an all-out battle between management and labour.

  • Do we know where to strike the balance between authority and freedom, between liberty and anarchy in feudal, religious societies ?

  • In summary the major research work in this thesis can be drawn as follows : 1. the techncal data and research information from woridwide aviation history about bird striking to airframe have been collected and reviewed more carefully the evolutions of bird striking load models and fem numerical compatation methods to bird strike also have been sununarized. this informational research makes great help to position further thesis work scientifically 2

    本文研究工作可歸納總結為以下三個方面: 1 、較全面整理綜述了鳥體撞擊飛機結構在國內外航空史上的技術資料以及鳥撞問英語能力測驗 商務英文會話 全球英語能力檢定測驗華語家教 空中英語題理論與工程研究的歷史沿革,總結了撞擊載荷研究模型、有限元數值計算方法的發展歷程等,明確了本文研究工作的科學定位。

    bird colonel, bird dog, bird shot, bird woman, bird-dog, bird-eyed

    bird strike中文意思是什麼
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