2016-07-24 12:55:40hallo3x5u1nr2

英語自學網站 學習英語的方法 prittle-prattle中文意思是什麼

    美語安親班 國小家教英檢時間 學英文廣播電臺 免費線上英文全英語教學英文 學英文的方法學英文 mp3 國小數學線上教學 線上英文新聞英語自學網站 學習英語的方法美日語補習班 商業英語對話英文線上家教 成人美語補習班高雄美語補習班 成人英語補習 國小伴讀





n. 名詞 1. 空談,廢話。

2. 碎嘴子,饒舌玩遊戲學英文 聽 學英文者。

vi. 不及物動詞 空談;饒舌。

  • prattle: vi. 1. 像小孩般顛三倒四地說話;發出連續而無意義的聲音。2. 空談,瞎聊,嘮叨。vt. 天真地說;輕率地說。n. 1. 孩子般顛三倒四的話;連續而無意義的聲音。2. 空談,廢話,無聊話。

  • Two footmen, one the princesss, the other his own, stood with shawl and redingote waiting till they should finish talking, and listened to their french prattle, incomprehensible to them, with faces that seemed to say that they understood what was being said but would not show it

  • That is why i prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words

  • Probably, we live in city, resemble every puppet, we probably think of that antiquited puppet show, in the prattle music for voices in a chinese opera carefree and leisurely drift, in short, life always can give us a lot of coming to realize, we probably, ought to in one tender sentiments thick and solid, being giving off, that bits and pieces, a volume being assembled gradually by them being accomplished are worth it the individual ancient book and record collecting on the paper having kind handle light yellow, under the precis writer

  • But ever and anon his childish prattle recurred to what impressed his imagination even more deeply than the wonders of creation

  • Flowing water and green grass witness your lover ' s endless prattle


    pristine, prithee, pritt, privacy, privatdozent, private

    prittle-prat學英文單字不用背 英文 兒童tle中文意思是什麼
      西文補習班 學英文書 外籍英語家教免費線上學習 英文course遊學打工 英文 說 一對一線上英語英文教學 一對一線上英文教學外籍英文家教網 線上教英文臺中英文家教費用 英語遊學空中英語教 兒童英語課程德文 線上 英檢高級 國小伴讀全民英檢初級報名 日常生活英文對話英文檢定 情境式英文 線上日語學習
