2016-06-03 18:25:38hallo3x5u1nr2

英文家教老師 線上日語 英語聽力 vegetable garden中文意思是什麼

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vegetable garden中文意思是什麼

vegetable garden解釋


  • vegetable: n. 1. 植物。2. 蔬菜〈俗指豆類、蕪菁、青菜等,有時不指馬鈴薯〉。3. (生理上或精神上)像植物一樣沒有生氣的人。adj. 1. 植物(性)的;得自植物的;關于植物的。2. 蔬菜的。
  • garden: n 1 庭園;花園;菜園;果園。2 〈pl 〉 公園,(動、植物)園;露天飲食店。3 〈pl 〉 〈英國〉(一排...

  • As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden 全民英檢中高級考試時間 菲律賓學英文 情境英語

  • Keep a vegetable garden with lots of nice tomatoes

  • Surrounded by natural grasslands on a hill north of johannesburg, the gauteng center is a picture of simplicity and perfection. newly planted saplings dance in the breeze around the center, and the vegetable garden, full of healthy greenery, is yet another product of careful attendance by the initiates living at the center

  • Tom has watered the vegetable garden, and so he has

  • The garden is actually made up of 23 different gardens that visitors may walk through, including the english walled garden, the midwestern prairie, the circle garden, an educational greenhouse, a fruit and vegetable garden, a rose garden and a japanese garden


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    vegetable garden中文意思是什麼
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