2004-04-02 01:36:00Halcyon

Took a dog..

Am now super duper tired. Cant really be blamed for that cos I am pretty sure i covered quite a fair distance in the past two days....been walking like hell. Haha...woke up today, and realised it wasnt raining! Today is the first day of my 5 day long spring break. To really start it off...decided to go out with my senior...And considering the fair weather in the morning, we decided to go to the backyard of taipei, the great Yang Ming Mountain. Was supposed to meet my senior at 11am...but my dad asked me to help him to move a few stuff from the kitchen out to the basement,,,turns out there is construction work to be done at the kitchen..so the things had to be move....well...anyway...only managed to reach the train station closer to noon. Luckily my senior wasnt too pissed...cos i know he doesnt like people to be late. Anyway...we took the train to the stop nearer to the mountain and transfered to a bus, straight up the mountain! Upon reaching there...the first thing i did was go to the toilet....the last thing i want is for me to need the toilet in the wilderness...i was under the impression that there were no more toilets after the bus stop...well...i was proven utterly wrong later on...cos there were plenty! We decided to walk around, causally with no plans on where to go and what we wanted to see. Started off great, the weather was so fine that i could just do with wearing a tshirt...no need for a jacket...not even when i am in the mountain. Maybe cos it wasnt a holiday for most people...the mountain was relativly empty...so it really did felt like we were strolling in a garden we owned. Actually, i did know we werent alone cos i could hear howls coming from wild dogs all over the place. Haha..i was a little scared of meeting a pack of them....should i run or not? And.....just as i was thinking about that...there it was...one of the wild pubs was lying right in front of the path i had to cross... My senior actually bent down, wanting to pat it...and i was so freaked out...i mean..what if it bites... Pulling my senior on...we moved forward...leaving the dog behind... I guess cos the dog wasnt barking...i assumed that it was one of the dogs that will bite...

Only a few minutes later did we realise we had a stalker...that something was following close behind us...and as we turned...we realised, there it was...the dog that i fear was right there...running towards us with a slight limp, probably from an injury. Well...i cant help being amazed...but there was nothing i could do about it...it seemed determined to follow us..and my senior suggested it want to show us around...haha..a very cute thought... And so it started...the fellowship of two guys and a dog...which happens to be male too. I cant i thought highly of the dog's level of hygience....sniffing at other dog's droppings...i was dertermined not to let it touch me...but my senior was already happily playing with it....trying to make it snatch something invisible from his fists.... And on and on we walked.....and as we went further...a slight drizzle started to fall on our heads...but it didnt really dampen our spirits....on the walk...we met various other wild dogs...and most of them seem friendly enough to our guide....only one old dog really pissed me off....that old dog was so ugly and had the most awful skin....and kept wanting to get near to our dog....but our dog was obviously frightened by that and wanted to move away...and the old dog just wouldnt let him....i was so afraid there would be a fight, wouldnt know what to do if the dogs actually started fighting... and i started to get really angry at the bully.....hate bullies of all kinds...even the barking sort. Haha...luckily i am so smart....realising that there was a store slightly further up the mountain, and that by habit...the dogs know they are not allowed up there....well...i lured our dog to go with me..leaving the old bully behind. hahaha...Patrick saves the day again! So, on and on we went on walking...going deep within the forest to look at waterfalls...going up and down stone stairs....taking photos and videos of our new found pet. Only after we got out of the forest did we realised how big a pour was happening ouside...seems like the trees actually blocked most of that out. My senior and i switched to more waterproof clothing...but when we tried to used an umbrella to give the dog shelter...it didnt really worked at all...so we decided to hide outside another store again...to wait till the rain lightens. .

Standing outside the store, i realised there was no way i could bring the dog home...even though i already felt like i owned it...so i started called relatives...my mom to ask if i could help the dog find a home...but it was of no use at all... i could only stare at the tired dog...sleeping on the mat outside the store. After the rain stopped...i started thinking about how i could best handle the situation....i know i will cry if the dog goes...cos i really wanted to keep it...i believe i didnt lure it to me...it came on it's own accord and i liked that idea... Then i got it...sometimes...to really love something...i would want to own it...like how i wanted to keep the dog...but the truth is...to love something, doesnt mean u have to control it. The dog has lived in the wild for years already and it managed to do very well on it's own...and i am sure it will go on living that way. What matters is that he trusted us enough to follow us all the way on our hike. As we walked near the bus stop, i realised it was time for goodbye...yet i couldnt bear to turn around at all, i didnt want to see the dog still following us. I guess the dog knew too...cos he stopped afew steps from the stop. That seems like the end of interaction between the dog's life and mine. I went on the bus and left the mountain not the same person who came on a few hours ago.... I now know that it is possible to love and to let go, rather than to love and wanting to control and maybe even crushing the thing u love. And it took me a dog to learn that. Thank you. Hope you will live happily...darn..i am crying...~~