2008-03-09 14:41:20零。


a bed of rose 玫瑰花床 ~~ 快樂境界
(1) It is a bed of roses for the old man to live in nice style.


2. a big shot 大射擊 ~~ 大人物
(1) He has now become a big shot.


3. a cat on hot bricks 貓在熱磚上 ~~ 熱鍋上的螞蟻
(1) He was so worried that he looked like a cat on hot bricks.


4. ace in the hole 王牌
(1) Don’t play your ace in the hole until the critical moment.


5. a church mouse 教堂老鼠 ~~ 一貧如洗
(1) He lost all his money, so he was really a church mouse.


6. a dog in the manger 佔著茅坑不拉屎

7. a dog with two tails 兩條尾巴的狗 ~~ 快樂而自負
(1) Though he is in a poor living, he is still a dog with two tails.


8. a feather in the cap 帽 子上的羽毛 ~~ 引以為榮
(1) It is a feather in the cap when you did a good thing.


9. a horse of different color 完全另外一回事

10. a new broom 一把新掃帚 ~~ 新官上任三把火
(1) The leader of this village is a new broom.


11. apple of one’s eye 掌上明珠
(1) Helen is the apple of her mother’s eye.


12. a ready pen 有準備的筆 ~~ 文筆敏捷
(1) The editor of that magazine is a ready pen.


13. a red tape 紅色的帶 ~~ 繁文縟節
(1) The rule set by the officer are all red tapes.


14. a short cut 短的切斷 ~~ 捷徑
(1) There is no short cut to knowledge.

15. a stop watch 停了的錶 ~~ 碼錶
(1) That teacher used a stop watch to check the student’s record.


16. a walking library 會走路的圖書館 ~~ 博學多聞的人
(1) We call Jim a walking library because he knows a lot of things.


17. a wet blanket 濕了的毯子 ~~ 殺風景的人
(1) The boring old man was a wet blanket at the party.


18. a white lie 白色謊言 ~~ 善意的假話
(1) The doctor told a white lie to the patient.


19. a yellow boy 黃孩兒 ~~ 金幣
(1) Sometimes people would say "a yellow boy" instead of "a gold coin".


20. as good as gold 和黃金一樣 ~~ 循規蹈矩的人
(1) The poor man’s children are as good as gold.


21. as green as grass 像草一般綠 ~~ 脾氣不好的人
(1) His father is as green as grass.


22. all ears (all eyes) 所有的耳朵 ~~ 全神貫注
(1) The students are all ears in class.


23. ants in one’s pants 螞蟻在褲子裡 ~~ 坐立不安
(1) He has got ants in his pants.


24. apple polisher 擦蘋果的人 ~~ 賄賂
(1) An apple polisher is not exactly a bribe, but is close to it.


25. at sea 在海上 ~~ 茫然
(1) When I walked on the busy road, I was at sea.


26. as the crow flies 烏鴉探路 ~~ 直線距離
(1) It’s only 10 km to the nearest school as the crow flies.


27. Achilles’ heal 阿奇里斯的腳跟 ~~ 致命弱點

28. apple of Sodom 金玉其外,敗絮其中

29. at sixes and sevens 亂七八糟
(1) Everything in the house is at sixes and sevens.


30. ax to grind 花言巧語騙人

1. 愛理不理 give the cold shoulder

I don’t know why she gave me the cold shoulder. 我不知道為什麼她對我愛理不理。

2. 擺架子 put on airs
Don’t put on airs with me. I don’t buy it. 別對我擺架子,我不吃那一套。

3. 白相 go out and have fun
Let’s go out and have fun on the weekend. 咱們周末出去白相白相。

4. 白眼 dirty look
People give him dirty looks wherever he goes. 他到處遭人白眼。

5. 抱粗腿 (結交權貴) get in with the rich ( powerful )
He got in with the powerful people to get promoted. 他抱粗腿得到升遷。

6. 避人耳目 keep a low profile
Keep a low profile when you do this. 做這件事時,要避人耳目。

7. 變卦 do an about face
Did she do an about face? 她變卦了嗎?

8. 兵荒馬亂 the chaos of war
They lost contact with each other during the chaos of the war. 他們在兵荒馬亂中失去連絡。

9. 不管三七二十一 despite the consequences
Despite the consequences, he drank the glass of wine. 他不管三七二十一喝下那杯酒。

10. 看不順眼 rub one the wrong way
He really rubs me the wrong way. 我看他很不順眼。

11. 不痛不癢的話 talk about the weather
You always talk about the weather. 你總是說些不痛不癢的話。

12. 不像話 outrageous
She wears a miniskirt to her wedding. It’s outrageous. 她結婚時竟穿了條迷你裙,太不像話了!

13. 不修邊幅 not pay attention to one’s appearance
He never pays attention to his appearance.

14. 不擇手段 by any means available
He has won the game by any means available. 他不擇手段贏得比賽。

15. 不知所云 mumbo-jumbo
That guy talks mumbo-jumbo. 那傢伙不知所云。

16. 不知天高地厚 still wet behind the ears
This young man is still wet behind the ears. 這年輕人不知天高地厚。

17. 不著邊際 dancing around the subject
He is nervous and dances around the subject when he talks. 他講話時因為緊張而不著邊際。

18. 太陽打西邊出來;才怪呢 when pigs fly
He will come when pigs fly. 他會來才怪呢!

19. 參差不齊 a mixed bag
The group of people is a mixed bag. 那群人水準參差不齊。

20. 插隊 cut in front of
He always cuts in front of other people. 他總是愛插隊。

21. 茶餘飯後 dinner conversation
The baseball game has become fodder for dinner conversation. 棒球賽成了茶餘飯後的話題。

22. 拆東牆補西牆 take from Peter to pay Paul
Taking money from your company would be like taking from Peter to pay Paul. 從你的公司拿錢是拆東牆補西牆。

23. 唱反調 do the opposite
My son always does the opposite of what I say. 我兒子總是和我唱反調。

24. 超然 rise above
People often have difficulties rising above material temptation. 人往往很難超然物外。

25. 徹頭徹尾 out-and-out
What he said was an out-and-out lie. 他的話是徹頭徹尾的謊言。

26. 沈得住氣 one’s feathers can’t be ruffled
His feathers can’t be ruffled even facing death. 即使面對死亡,他都沈得住氣。

27. 吃錯藥了 got up on the wrong side of the bed
He must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. 他一定是吃錯藥了。

28. 臭美 full of oneself
She’s so full of herself that she often makes a bad impression. 她老愛臭美,給人留下壞印象。

29. 抽籤 draw straws
We have to make the decision by drawing straws. 我們只有抽籤決定了。

30. 出爾反爾 go back on one’s word; break a promise
He is not one to break a promise. 他不是出爾反爾的人。

31. 湊齊 round up
Have you rounded up enough people? 人數湊齊了嗎?

32. 打盹 take a catnap
I sometimes take a catnap in the afternoon. 我下午偶爾打個盹。

33. 大海撈針 look for a needle in a haystack
To find him in such a big city is like looking for a needle in a haystack. 在這麼大的城市找他就像大海撈針。

34. 打退堂鼓 back out
Don’t back out now. We will succeed soon. 不要打退堂鼓,我們快成功了。

35. 彈丸之地 a tiny place
It may be a tiny place but it is very important to our country. 雖然是彈丸之地,對我們國家而言卻很重要。

36. 當一天和尚撞一天鐘 trudge along
Don’t be lazy, you must trudge along anyway. 不要偷懶,當一天和尚撞一天鐘。

37. 倒栽蔥 fall headfirst
He fell headfirst from the roof. 他倒栽蔥地從屋頂摔下來。

38. 刀子嘴豆腐心 one has a sharp tongue but means well
She has a sharp tongue, but she means well. 她是刀子嘴豆腐心。

39. 得了吧 Give me a break!
Give me a break! That’s impossible. 得了吧!那是不可能的。

40. 得理不饒人 argue a point to death
He argues a point to death, even when his classmate apologizes. 他的同學道歉了,他還是得理不饒人。

日本藤素 2020-01-06 06:40:17

