2008-04-04 23:38:53藸ɡ

marvelous trip.

thanks for fulfilling my dream.i didn’t stand the show of travelling with my lover until now.short as it was,but it must be some memorables.

after the first step,a kind of varying coziness was oncoming.the luxuriant forests,young lavender,distinctive hotel,consumingly,made me intoxicate.I feeled as if I have been in a different world,all was dreamlike.

sometimes i thought us a couple.i needn’t care the identity,family & other worrisome aspects,just ourselves at this moment.
the next morning i woke up,gazing your face.a burning desire,i had a fancy for seeing you at first glance every morning,occurred to me.i do not have a clue if the felicity falls within me,and yet i am really solicitous of it.
·the house we lived in.
·night piece.

上一篇:basketball match``

a T 2008-04-20 23:19:29

i hope so ..
i really like the song..
where`s my love..

i like it,too.
be patient..the guy is coming..
2008-04-27 04:02:47
a啊T 2008-04-11 22:49:35

so wonderful trip!!so sweet journey!so nice the purple is....
i am going to envy you!

you will get it soon.. 2008-04-12 00:13:52
藸ɡ 2008-04-07 23:46:08
