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129858913332812500_10Atangge and Kitty prenup exposure a harsh and metamorphosis Atangge. (Data charts) NetEase entertainment reported on July 4, according to foreign media reports, Tom Cruise (Tom Cruise) and Katie Holmes (click to see Katie Holmes movies of the Kennedy family) (Katie Holmes) prenuptial agreements certain details of the recent exposure of, judging from the number agreements may take up to thousandsAnd very demanding, is not understood by ordinary people. One person from the law firm who declined to be named claimed, Cruz and Kitty's marriage merely distant, it wants. Heterosexual marriage for the sole purpose of just as unfaithful official scientific teaching, and avoid the gay rumors about Tom Cruise. Science education leaders Dawei·misikaweige (David MiScavige) originally had expressly Cruz must choose between the Church of Scientology and homosexual orientation. Heterosexual marriage this way Cruz showing heterosexual identity and to preserve his reputation in the Church. David also said, "as well as Katie Holmes to win attention and good ways to make money fast. Marriage makes this two-person win-win situation. "Here's Tom-gRuth Helms prenuptial agreements and Kitty-some details: 4th-married Helms will receive an annual $ 3 million, five-year award will receive 20 million dollars at the end. If Kitty aborted marriage in five years, need to pay 10 million dollars to Tom Cruise. After 7th-11 if Helms and Tom Cruise together prior to marriageDiscussion is considered invalid, instead, will receive half of the Tom Cruise of assets. 12th-accept at any time whether drug addiction in check. 17th-every next children will receive 10 million dollars as a reward. Article 43rd-participate in the sciences teach courses and major incidents. 71st-not the media, friends and relatives talk about science teaching tutorials or related events.95th-regardless of when and where to do must have a science teaching Christians around monitoring. The 132th-when Tom Cruise, smile and endorsed. 141th-moments you want to show their happiness. 157th-prohibition on any gay joke, including no call to film Cruz appeared in the spoof name, such as that of the cherish high aspirations(Top Gun) (Top Gun, gay), said of the Mission: Impossible (Mission:Impossible) to (Marriage:Impossible) and so on. Article No. 350-not about science education founder l. Ron Hubbard, calm down no DavID Miscavige joke. (Katie's joke) preferably within the cruise control. Article No gw2 power leveling. 690-not anyone about Cruz's "special" male friends. Article No. 750-must live in accordance with the provisions of the Federal galaxy planet. Article No. 857-must Xenu in a religious ceremony and maternity clothing. Article No. 915-Once the Xenu returned to Earth, Helms must be accompanied by Tom Cruz riding on her husband's choice of the carrier or the ship, or else they would be confiscation of all property. (Editor's Note:, No. 750, 915 and aliens and related contents of the milky way visible science education founder l. Ron Hubbard's book guild wars 2 power leveling, because he originally was a science fiction writer)