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Google Glass shows off its apps at SXSW
Google's Sergey Brin models Google Glass.(Credit:James Martin/CNET)Google is showing off its wearable tech again, this time with an app-filled presentation at South by Southwest Interactive. The presentation, which Engadget captured in Austin today, showed apps from The New York Times, Evernote, Skitch, and Path.Of course, there was also a Gmail app. When an e-mail arrives, Google Glass wearers can use voice command to prompt Google's e-mail service to deliver the sender's image and subject line to the glasses' screen. Users can then tell the app what to write back.The New York Times application will deliver an article in the form of an image, headline, byline, and GW2 Power Leveling the number of hours ago the article was posted. A http://www.rmtbuddy.com/guild-wars-2-gold-us-powerleveling.html tap on Google Glass will prompt the glasses to then read you the article. A breaking news feature that automatically refreshes is also in the works, according to the report.Glass will also share images to Evernote and Skitch, and show you updates from your Path network, along with the ability to add emoticons to friends' posts and make comments.Related storiesAnd just like that, Google I/O is sold outGoogle Glass and the third half of your brainGoogle Glass could have been the hit of SXSW. It wasn'tGoogle has been ramping up the publicity around its glasses. Google co-founder Sergey Brin argued at a recent TED talk that the wearable tech is less "emasculating" than a smartphone and Google held a contest to find Google Glass aficionados. The company also partially funded the development of technology to let Google Glass find and identify people by the clothes they wear.Glass is expected to arrive on the market for the general public later this year, but in some tech-savvy areas, the glasses' presence have already caused a commotion. Last week, a bar in Seattle became the first place to ban Google Glass, fearing that the wearable devices would creep some customers out.
Google Glass shows off its apps at SXSW