2014-11-28 13:11:24guildwars2powerleveling

that time has come.To help people with the transition GW2 Po

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MobileMe users' complimentary iCloud storage plans expire Sept. 30
MobileMe users who have been accessing iCloud storage GW2 Power Leveling at no charge over the last couple of years will soon lose that right.Apple recently posted on its site that as of September 30, MobileMe users will no longer have complimentary storage through iCloud. On that day, http://www.rmtbuddy.com/guild-wars-2-gold-us-powerleveling.html Apple will move its former MobileMe users to its free 5GB plan. Customers who need more storage will need to buy it through iCloud.After Apple announced iCloud in 2011, the company discontinued its MobileMe suite of online services. To make good on that changeover, Apple offered former MobileMe customers who moved to iCloud between October 2011 and August 2012 the opportunity to access iCloud storage plans at no charge. The company indicated, however, that eventually, the free deal would expire. And now, that time has come.To help people with the transition, Apple has posted an FAQ on its Web site, detailing how they can check to see how much storage they are using, how to purchase plans, and more.
MobileMe users' complimentary iCloud storage plans expire Sept. 30