2012-12-11 14:06:51gw2goldfxdgf

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129859193841875000_260In the pen before sharing a Duan: a minor in Africa Lion sad depressed, mother asked how it was. Small Lion replied: just eat it in a personal, may be the Chinese. Lioness anxious: eating without looking at passports! Tell you a long time ago, their excessive chemical elements, our body bone, you can carry live? Lions to comfort Dad: don't worry, Chinese to African hunting guild wars 2 power leveling, eating drinking isSpecial, that person should be green ... ... This piece is, sneer the inevitable. And the implications for the food security of the kind of worry and ridicule it goes without saying that, even though we all know, such ridicule were a little blind optimism. Now see a news, said that was just issued by the Department of State has made the decision on strengthening the work of food safety in ChinaFood safety milestones, plans to use about 3 years time, that food safety in China made in rectifying obvious results, illegal and criminal acts, supported by an effective deterrent, effective solution to the outstanding problems. Explicitly integrate food safety into the annual performance assessment of local government for the first time. If the small Lion literacy, does not need to be as depressed? We the people are toAnd does not need to be as self-ironic? However, when we look at the decision, but how many people can make you happy? In 3 years ' time, the effective solution to the problem of food safety in China; about 5 years time, substantial increase in the overall level of food safety to be more ... ... Many public estimate to see these three years have been tempted to spit Groove. Why is three years? WithoutFor three days? Prior to an official reception when eating shark fin, concerning serious we've seen in this "three years" able much of things, it is State law, a shark fin ban. That makes many people could not understand, why is three years? Because of this inventory must take three years to be consumed? Or who haven't eaten good eating enough for a ban? Anyway, the public is confused,You mean ban a shark's fins are three years, counting on lowering costs public money to eat and drink only appears to be a fool's talk! Now, in the face of food safety issues, the relevant departments again to running out of time to the public, or 35 years! In this decision, and we see the determination of the relevant departments to focus on food security and, for example, explicitly integrate food safety into the annual performance assessment of local government for the first time;Illegal enterprise and personal "blacklist"; local major food safety incident occurs, discuss one-vote veto ... ... However, these things need for 35 years? Treat the security of life, without delay, the moment could not be delayed! Means chemical elements in the periodic table, we have to eat for 35 years? Those unscrupulous profiteers can also be happy for 35 years? Do not know if this new decision will notExperts began hailed it as we will have some for food, such as security management is the most restrictive in the world. Decision, determination, which naturally the best. However, the key lies in this 35-year period, the departments concerned how to use actions to resolve to practice today, showing the determination today? How to monitor the process, to be effective gw2 power leveling, in the face of "outstanding issues", such asWhy don't you like melamine, the resurgence of gesanchawu? How to let the blood of those missing moral enterprise has an awe? This urgent action for relevant departments to demonstrate that otherwise said more will be wasted only sprays from coughs.