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129859015212031250_13Beijing-media praise and constant foreign aid instalment Guoan sum of 3 parallel than Muric On Monday, the Guangzhou evergrande (Club official microblog) club announced with the Korea national team and Olympic team main Zhongwei, 23 years old Jin Yingquan signed 4 years, cost $ 2.5 million. The transfer appears on evergrande Club introduction in foreign aid, both the strength of the lead, also has the potential to cutting-edge. In other words, in the area of foreign aid and constant pursuit of both pay big bucks to buy stars orTo undertake management of foreign aid, and to make any money. As a super second-year student, evergrande's new idea worthy of national security in this area, Shandong Luneng in the old Super Club learning and reference. Best reflects the constant transfer of new ideas of foreign aid event is known as "Brazil Cheetah" Muric gw2 power leveling. In July 2010, Guangzhou evergrande's $ 3.5 million bought in Pakistan just buddingMuric. This alone in a transfer price, is super belongs to head in a job, so China's soccer sensation, mentality of many people to watch the excitement, watch how evergrande this input received back. Since then constant big fleet Pallan, Ruggiero, Renato, Cleo and Conca star, refreshed again and again the Chinese football transfer record of foreign aid. In the first year of Super, evergrande has earnedFull eye at the same time, also won the Super champion. Just a year after 2011 season, we find that the constant in the big hype effect for Super players worth double. Evergrande is another Club level players annual income International has annual revenue of 2 to 4 times times, objectively pushed up the overall level of Super players in salary and let super clubs began chasing evergrande. This year people of Shenhua, GuizhouAnd as well as the newly promoted aerbin, Fuli follow evergrande, increasethe investment and introduction of big foreign aid guild wars 2 power leveling, most prominent is the main Champions League this year Didier Drogba. At present, ultra-many clubs have been targeted in the international star, levels of foreign aid budget in the millions of dollars, which was becoming an international transfer market by Super new guests. Objectively, evergrande has effects both positive and negative effects.Positive effect is that disdains Super international big-name stars in the past finally respecting bail reduction expensive, were willing to play in China. Side effects are, as long as the foreign aid listening and is in the Super Club, its agents will soon be worth double, which increases the cost of extra foreign aid in the introduction. Super striker wangyeliqi in back in 2004 when Guoan Club gave him only $ 400,000 annual salary, nowFor similar conditions of foreign aid, Super Club if there is no offer of us $ 1 million, they talk of little. Management is at the heart of professional football clubs players, evergrande Club is very clear about this. They introduced in the ultra-first by sky-high prices in big foreign aid, success, these foreign aid worth rose, evergrande will then sell them, white not only for a year, but alsoEarn money just from the constant switching Japan Kashima Antlers Brazil Ruggiero, Renato is the best example of foreign aid. However, many later followers is trapped in a passive situation. Shandong Luneng group, national security and this year company veteran Super Club in foreign aid were not very successful. A case study of Guoan Club, early introduction of Reinaldo, Manu and Karoo now say with satisfaction. Many national security fansRemarks If Reinaldo, Manu and Karoo 3 totals approximately $ 3.7 million investment, buying a so that the striker like Cleo, Muric, do national security will also provide Feng cannot afford to worry about now? This is called not to spend money on the blade, and you want to avoid this vision is needed. Many people will ignore the news, early 2011 Muric raw in BrazilMother Avai has bid $ 7 million would like to buy him, while Korea Suwon Samsung have also quoted US $ 5.5 million to buy Muric, which confirms the constant big club bosses when Liu yongzhuo Muric introduced the beginning of prophecy: Muric price will rise in the future. It now appears that evergrande does look unique. View Super team strong in aid this year, most practical Muric. YesterdayTin Heng big boss Xu jiayin has further argued that the constant foreign aid to focus more on commercial effects in the future, from introduction to sell players to add value. Xu jiayin refers only to new foreign aid, introduced just Korea rookie Kim Eng right. It was reported that Lippi's teaching assistant in Japan after examining the performance of Jin Yingquan, evergrande Club was also recognized this person. In European trading came to Asia foreign aid, you canSee under the skin in a handsome door, Jin Yingquan after 3 years of sale price is expected to rise to around 10 million dollars, it will be after Muric, evergrande has a success story in the foreign aid. On foreign aid, evergrande from sensationalism, to pursue commercial effect, which is a constant from the amateur to the professional. But its root, this is professional football one of the inherent laws, evergrandeHowever is the first realized this, and tasted the sweet spot in practice. In this regard, should draw reflection of some old Super Club: why evergrande 3 years in foreign aid since the introduction of little failures? Only Xu jiayin did dare to spend money? In terms of awareness of the law of professional football, evergrande practice anything old Super places for reflection? Reporter Chen win