2012-11-02 08:59:57gw2goldfxdgf

gw2 power leveling has dozens of bank accounts

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129859108088281250_782Reporter Zhang Xiang Ma Juan Changsha intern Peng Ling correspondents reported from April 2011, Yongzhou Jiangyong County boss practiced a series of beauty salons to convince more than more than 30 guests or friends to lend themselves to high interest rates, has raised more than 2.3 million Yuan. Borrowing also didn't get the bonus, even vanished. Local police said that even a 2008 before and after participation in "Madame Butterfly" case of pyramid schemes, in Yongzhou development many referrals, Jiangyong County Public Security Bureau in criminal detention, later returned the money after being released. Yesterday, in Yongzhou City Public Security Bureau informed the fundraising fraud. In March of this year, the suspects caught even some in Changsha zhongyi Tianxin, has now been approved by the procuratorial organ arrest, prosecution. Beauty salon boss disappear after borrowing moneyJiangyong County company named "Ya Yin women care centre" beauty salon. From the beginning of February this year, Jiangyong County Public Security Bureau have received a number of women police, described the beauty salon boss practiced a certain borrowing money from them, but it has gone for more than a month guild wars 2 power leveling, suspected of practicing a fraud. After the Council after a preliminary investigation, set up a team of investigation on this matter. Economic investigation team of civilian police, said that from 2011Year beginning in April, practiced some as bait to higher interest rates to borrow money from some dozens of people such as Li, as at the filing, in connection with the rate has reached more than 2.3 million Yuan. Information platform for practicing some using civilian police investigated and found her bank details are unusually active, has dozens of bank accounts, but to account for all account balances will be his name is zero, the handset also in January this year is down. Hiding in ChangshaZhongyi Tianxin were captured yesterday afternoon, the shop newly opened police station director Li Xingsheng, told reporters the case. Civilian police introduced in the police station, on March 8 this year, Jiangyong County Public Security Bureau economic investigation team sent to the shop newly opened police station informed the xiecha, civilian police through the rental of mobile personnel information base of the police station, transcription, practiced a certain location is locked. The same day, practicing some were captured by the civilian police. Practicing an at largeRecognized, from April 2011, the make up beauty shop much-needed loans, raising the tender land, buying recruitment grounds of indicators, to month up to 6 minutes of high interest rates, to lobbying their friends as well as customer care centre, there are more than 30 people to lend her a few thousands of dollars, as many as hundreds of thousands of dollars. Have been involved in "Madame Butterfly" practiced a distributor case 200About 8 years participation in Chenzhou, shocked the national "Madame Butterfly" pyramid schemes. Case 29 provinces all over the country at that time, in connection with the amount of 335 million dollars. "Practice is one of the on-line, in Yongzhou area has developed many off the Assembly line, later we under criminal detention. "Police said," she confessed through pyramid schemes benefit tens of thousands of well, then full refund only to be released after the money. "At present gw2 power leveling, practicing aWas arrested by the prosecutors for alleged crimes of fraud in financing approved, is about to surrender to the Court are prosecuted. (Editors: Lian Lixin)