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129859107809687500_190"Improper" academicians of Rao and the outgoing President said "scientists cannot be recalled with nostalgia and executive positions" Peking University global public election of the President of the Academy of Sciences, the new life of the present report (Xinhua Cai Wenqing) because making alarming remarks in the last year, academician of co-option, "from now on is not the candidate, academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences" and "some people feel uneasy about our" language, such as shelling, academician of co-opted much industry attentionFamous overseas Chinese scholar Yi Rao, recently again become news. He will no longer serve as Dean of school of life sciences, Peking University, and the North has issued a bulletin for open recruitment exercise at home and abroad Life Sciences Dean candidates. Turning to left said Rao in a blog: "an academic unit, certainly should not have development restricted because of leadership is the short stuff; scientists don'tCan be recalled with nostalgia and administrative duties, and at the expense of development. "Rao in the tone of ridicule for posting about this matter," someone asked, legends you don't do North Academy of Health Sciences Dean? And was too frightened to do? "In fact, from 2007 the North since the post of the President of the Academy, Rao is not the first time the resignation, he said:" I don't think I had been made on 5 to 6 digitsAnd hope that the President of the other players to do. "Why is there such a move guild wars 2 power leveling? Rao said: "to the North section of health development, you need to do everything possible to recruit good people, including the President. "Rao said that" for me, I am very willing to please good people to do instead of the President himself, I have explicitly asked people. Dean does not do, I can do many things, born in the North section has a lot of thingsTo do, improve teaching a lot of time and effort. Universal in China and some people think the different point of view, I think, although some things need for administrative duties to do, there are some things because there is no administrative functions can do better. "Rao also presented their views to the recruitment of professors, in his view, when recruiting, no one knows anything, homes, led by aSamples, not only to have a general recruitment Committee, also to consult the experts, based on the different disciplines and directions, more information, in order to be good judgment as possible. Journalists noted that the recruitment notice on new students at Peking University the request made by the President of the Academy is: may is committed to higher education and scientific research of life science, Peking University, the internationally renowned scientists, and in the North, North Commission on life sciences, Peking University, Tsinghua Joint Center for life science and strong support of the National Center for protein research the north part, play an important role. News background noise due to outspoken Rao exactly 50 years old this year, 2007, 45 years old, he United States Northwestern University's full-time return, with their feet on my way home before and after the incumbent, Tsinghua University School of life sciencesDean of one of those, and the two academics at home and abroad caused a stir on the home, is considered one of the major signs of enhanced China's scientific attraction. Lets spare, not only their knowledge of the effects of two very famous at the time, but also because two people put it bluntly, in front of the full-time return, Rao has made outspoken criticism on education, science and technology issues gw2 power leveling. The end of 2010, spare, application of two personsAlso in the United States the journal Science published an editorial that China's current research fund allocation mechanisms are more depend on relationships rather than academic levels, their outspoken critic of current scientific research fund allocation mechanism in "waste of resources, corruption of the spirit, hindering innovation." J177 (Editor: Qiu Yuming)