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129859015216718750_234 years guild wars 2 power leveling! Gordon claimed to be heart Sun boy wasps of the genus do not match NetEase sports reported on July 3: ESPN reporter reported Chris-Brossard, Eric-Gordon has been and the Phoenix Suns 4-year US $ 58 million deal had been struck, Gordon personally inclined to leave wasps and joining the Sun. However, Gordon is currently a restricted free agent, Hornets right to match contract in 3 days. According to Yahoo Sports News, wasps will matchThe Sun gives out the contract. "Sources said gw2 power leveling, the WaSP will match the contract. Gordon is an important member of the Chris-Paul transactions, wasps will do its utmost to leave him. "Yahoo Sports Press wonaluofusiji reported. Wasps have made it clear that they will make every effort to leave Gordon, will match any quote from the other team contracts, but nevertheless,Gordon remains hopeful that wasps do not match. Gordon said Tuesday night on ESPN reporter that he would prefer to play Sun, rather than a WaSP. "After the visit of Sun, I was very impressed by the team's impact. "Gordon," said team management and coach Gentry is a top-level. I strongly feel this is what I want to effect the team. Phoenix isMy yearning for SB. or sth. "For the reconstruction of the WaSP, this might be a bigger blow. Wasps won this year's champion show-Anthony Davis, as well as the popular new Austin-rivers. In order to get Lewis ' expired contract, they will be two teams even major force behind Trevor Ariza and EO were all sent away. In other words, the Hornets completely into the reconstruction phase. Al Gore, Will be a key cornerstone of their rebuilding. As early as January, WaSP Gordon open 4 years 50 million dollars ' worth of contracts, but the price was his refusal. The one hand, Gordon felt the team's offer is too low, on the other hand with WaSP's own poor record also has some relationship, last season they won only 21 WINS, 45, in the Western insurance excess. "Although the WaSP has the right toLee matched the contract, but Gordon has shown the meaning of leaving, wasps are likely to go. "Review of ESPN reporter Brossard road. NBA is full of such hope parent team "missed" its own precedent, it is interesting, in 2005 at the Sun ever encountered such a thing. In the summer of 2005, Joe-Johnson became a restricted free agent, hope in the oldEagles to get higher status of teams he had to leave the team's request to the Suns. Offer to renew the Suns to Johnson's departure in the first place he was also disappointed, he felt the Suns is designed to reduce the market value of its own. Although the Sun made it clear that you want to match the Eagles 5 year 70 million offer, but Jo Johnson says he has lost favor to the Sun,Hope Sun can let themselves and eventually Sun represents a compromise, both sides agree to change after the first check. On August 19, 2005, the Eagles reached first with Sun after the check-for-trading, the Eagle sent right to Dior, and two future first-round draft picks in exchange for Johnson.