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129859193796875000_164Recently, ping an Securities Research Institute has released the second half of 2012 a share investment strategy report.  Ping an securities, believe that the economy is approaching a short-term bottom, policy continues to moderate relax; the second half of the market is difficult to unilateral interpretation, probability in index funds and profit fluctuations among the top at the end of, the Shanghai composite core fluctuation interval in 2000 to 2,400 points. On the economic side, the report recognizedFor short-term economic growth approaching the bottom, medium-term transitional pressures begin to strengthen. Inflation started to enter the honeymoon period, but lurking rebound in risk. Policy is expected to moderate to relax, stock removal. Funds will remain relatively loose on the surface, improving momentum weakened. From the perspective of peripheral markets, European debt shock unfinished, funds will haven. Market concerns about the fundamentals of perspective will shift gradually from short cycleLong-period. On the market, taking into account the "basic face down, upward mobility" constraint, the report said the second half of the market is difficult to unilateral interpretations, exponential probability of fluctuation between the funds and profits at the end of the top, heart of the Shanghai composite index fluctuation interval in 2000 to 2,400 points. Consider long-term transition problems of valuation and growth areas of structural overestimated, market conditions in the second half may be moreIn the flat. Trading on the rhythm, in the honeymoon period of inflation guild wars 2 power leveling, economic, capital at the end of the short term many positive factors such as seasonal improvement under resonance, ping an securities relatively optimistic about the short-term rebound in July to August. But taking into account the reconfiguration of the global economy, the traditional industries to capacity, inflation rigid reinforced long-period factors, such as plague, a rebound in the market space is relatively limited in the second half. Report after three quarter highLow annual a-share "inverted u" shape interpretation of judgement. Structural opportunities gw2 power leveling, according to the report, policy focus from short-term growth towards long-term stabilization structure determine the market opportunity conversion from elastic to certainty.  Enjoy short cycle bottom elastic plate company in the second half will cool, benefit from long-period in transition plate company of certainty will dominate the distribution of excess returns. On the style, Ping an securities continue to be promising small and medium company. High performance elastic ensure that small and medium sized companies get proceeds of short-period rebound, industry distribution in favour of small and medium sized companies enjoy long-term structure gains continue to be optimistic about the second half of the small and medium sized companies the relative benefit. Formally, chase the deterministic process in the market, investment in small and medium sized companies will continue to traction on adjusting structure of industrial policy topics, and on the basis of performanceDeterministic structural differentiation. On the configuration, the report notes that restructuring is expected to strengthen in the second half pressing cycle unit, non-recommended configuration regression cycle. Recommended long established medicine, agriculture; business trends to improve power, insurance; stable consumer retail, clothing, home textile, food and beverage; benefit policies information support services, new materials, new industry topics. (SecuritiesTimes)