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129859193748125000_63var _fin_hqimg_mod_code = []; var _fin_hqimg_mod_type = 'kline-day'; var _fin_hqimg_mod_max = 1; (function(){ var c= 'sH000001'.split (',') gw2 power leveling, n=' index of '.split (','); For (var i=0;i|xGv00|deddd684786bf7623f5de7aea47145af as the market fell from 2,300-point platform in the early rapid killing, adjusted to 218At 8 o'clock, just 7 trading days the market's adjustment nearly 150 points. Bardo continuously on Japanese candlestick line, kills investors hope for the market. However, behind the index too drastic decrease in the short term, is undoubtedly the market stopped falling and rebound. However, on Friday the market low on high, to today's narrow shocks, which is relatively notable features is the trend of market rally whenDeclining issues outnumbered advancers by shrinking, 2,242 coupled with early lows sustained pressure points and 10-day moving average, so weak stock index rebounded, rally a perfunctory, renewed in disk. Disk status under a share, of course, is difficult to provoke too much of the market of investments of passion. From the market today only around 50 billion of turnover, description plate, wait-and-see atmosphereWai is extremely strong, maintain higher caution. While the tray face plate and the unit's performance, is basically not very satisfactory. Which 70% plate above, there were varying degrees of adjustment, especially among the rally, recent trend of relative strength of Hainan plates guild wars 2 power leveling, bio-pharmaceuticals, today began to cease all activities, such as affordable housing, into chonggao fall adjustment among the cities of the formerExample, the more intensive is a blow to market confidence. At the same time, units, significantly reduced the daily limit number, as of closing, daily limit unit number is less than 10, compared to Tuesday 's, have been reduced more than half. Therefore, rapid cooling of the market effects have also emerged to make money. On formation of short term market significantly elevating, restricted stock index over the heights. Message on the surface, in the short term can be said toUnlikely occur in relatively significant market good. However, the relative easing expectations might be a short-term support into the Forces Vives. Especially June Manufacturing PMI fell to 7-month low, while the eurozone and the United States manufacturing activity index fell to a three-year lows, most major economies in manufacturing index was below 50 "passLine ". In this way, regardless of the country or abroad, there are taking measures to stabilize economic growth. This will no doubt by the steady trend of easing monetary policy for the future built a platform. Indeed, on Thursday, Europe's two largest banks will announce the latest interest on the results. Significant part of the market participants are expected, might at least be announced the same day the European Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points,Interest rates fallen to a record low of 0.75%; and United Kingdom's Central Bank is likely to increase the size of quantitative easing. In this way, external market rally continues. Domestic monetary policy there is a certain trend. I expect the second half of this year, cut interest rates continue to drop domestic and initiatives in place, but should not be in the here and now, time to be continuing to wait. But whenMarket awaits policies before further clear, market worries or will once again enter a dangerous edge. That market among the so-called long fall of truth. Therefore, short-term actions should be grasped two points. Point is to guard against market will fall for a long time, so as to continue to remain relatively cautious, taking advantage of short-term market rebound on higher jiancang, 30% positions down toInside. The 2nd is that zeji adjustable positions the share swap, the weak strong, active layout underestimate the values and high performance of oversold stocks.