2020-02-28 10:02:41gustwelding

The mendicant thought she was begging

Vedavyas agreed to the proposal of his elder brother?s wives to sire their children whereas Shukdevji ran away to the forest as soon as he was born so as to meditate on God. Everyone including his father was against his going away thus and everyone tried to dissuade him from going to the forest. But Shukdevji was firm and refused to listen to anyone. To test him Indra sent the heavenly dancer Rambha but in a few words he sent her back. This is the true meaning of burning up of bad psychic imprints.

If you cut the branches of a tree a new tree can emerge from it but if you remove the roots totally or burn them up a new tree can never emerge from it. Kundalini power burns up Sanchit (stored), Kriyamaan (future), Prarabhdha (present) actions to ashes. Here a ripe aspirant who is thoroughly heated up by the furnace of penance becomes firm as a brick.Ayurved doctors make Rasa (juice) or Bhasma (ashes). They are made from sacrificial fires like Shataputi, Sahasraputi, Gajaputi. It is compared to Sanjeevani (medicine that brings dead souls back to life). This is a fire ritual. Kundalini is called Yoga of fire. This is like lighting up the fire of vital force Yajna. Here a ?baked? aspirant is akin to the properties of juice, ashes and Sanjeevani. Thus an aspirant heated in the fire of Kundalini becomes extraordinary and his powers are rare and limitless.If steam gets scattered everywhere it is of no use but if it is concentrated in a limited area then with its energy the train can run speedily for miles together. In a few minutes you can pressure cook your food. In the same way when the latent, scattered energy of your body is concentrated via Kundalini awakening we obtain material Sidhis and soul Ridhis and these many useful tasks even at the world level can be executed.There is a mighty storehouse of electricity in the human body but it lies scattered. Hence one cannot see its might. But via Kundalini awakening when all this energy is gathered and focused at the Mooladhar Chakra (base of the spine) it is like concentrating material energy in a limited area.

Thus the use of this energy is such that it can only amaze one and all.An old female full of austerities lived in the forest. A mendicant came there. The old lady built a hut nearby and took the responsibility of feeding him. One night a female woodcutter having lost her way reached the hut of the mendicant and she begged for grace.The mendicant thought she was begging for sexual intercourse and hence sent her away without food or shelter. The old lady seated under a tree was watching intently. She heard voices. She took the lady woodcutter with her and gave her food and shelter. At dawn the old woman showed the right path to the woodcutter. The old lady had heard the harsh words of the mendicant. She hence broke the hut that she had built for him. She refused to give him food and said: Here you lived for 24 years and only gained victory over your desires. Since you have not sown the seeds of compassion in your heart it?s a shame that you call yourself a mendicant.
