Q: Guruji, I seem to have trouble sleeping.
SRI SRI:你應要接受艾育吠陀醫學的治療。艾育吠陀醫學我們有Shankhpushpi 糖漿會鞤助你睡得好。此外,瑜伽和調息法也會幫助你。你應該在晚上睡覺前做調息法。這將有助於你的睡眠。
同樣地,食用有些中藥和艾育吠陀草藥有助於淨化你的身體、 清理你的胃和腸道。偶爾,你必須使用這些草藥。Triphala 是艾育吠陀藥草的藥草的一種,它可以淨化你的肝臟和腸道。一周內最好使用這些艾育吠陀草藥一次。並且規律的練習瑜伽和調息法讓你的身體有改善。
Sri Sri
Similarly some Chinese herbs and Ayurvedic herbs are there which are used to cleanse your body, cleanse your intestine and stomach. Once in a while you must take these herbs. Triphala is an Ayurvedic herb which cleanses the liver and the intestines. Once in a week it is good to use these Ayurvedic herbs. And regular practice of yoga and pranayama makes the body better.
<版工譯註>Triphala 在印度靜心所的藥局或sumeru shop都有販售,對於腸道淨化很有幫助,睡前用溫開水服用2-3顆