2011-11-26 16:00:04Guruji

Har Hara Meditation with Guruji 哈拉哈拉靜心

Har Hara Meditation with Guruji





When you say "Ha" .you feel its effect on the navel

當你說""時, 你感覺到肚臍會受影響

When you say "Ra",the effect is on the "Kapal"-which is the center of the head.


"Kapal"is where all the five sence meet. 


"Ha" means-pain and "Ra",means -removal of pain. 

""意指疼痛 和 "Ra",意指:去除疼痛。

When we do" Har Hara" Meditation the "prana shakti"moves from the bottom to the top.   

當我們做了" Har Hara" 靜心時,  "能量中樞"從底部移動到頭頂

When "prana " is low; you experience pain and when "prana " is high the pain disappears.

"能量"很低時;你會經驗著痛苦, 而當"能量"提高時,痛苦就會消失

The " Har Hara"sound has an impact on the body,mind and the enviorment,

 這" Har Hara"的聲音已經影響到身體、 心靈和環境,

it makes you healthy and uplifts you. 它使你健康和提升你。

It fills the environment with happiness and peace. 它讓幸福與和平充滿了環境。

When we say " Har Hara" we feel the light descending on us .

當我們說 " Har Hara" 時,我們感覺光降臨我們身上。

It is invoking the divine light into our lives.


