2009-10-20 19:24:06Guruji


Bad Antogast, (Germany), July 23, 2009

2009723 德國靜心所Bad Antogast  

Q: What is the most important gift you are blessing me and the world with?

Sri Sri: If you go to the pharmacist and ask him: ‘Give me the best medicine’, what will he say? ‘I have the best medicine, but for what disease?’ Isn’t it? 


古儒吉:如果你去找藥劑師,問他"給我最好的藥",他會說什麼? "我有最好的良藥,但是針對哪一種疾病?"是不是?  

Similarly, this knowledge gives you everything that you need. You have a headache, you have the best medicine. You have a leg ache, you have the best medicine. You have an ear ache, a heart ache; the best medicine is available to you.

When you are determined to be useful to people, useful in anyway, you don’t have to ask: just be useful. Do whatever is needed whenever, and you will be useful for that purpose. 


I would always say that this knowledge in the Art of Living is like an ocean. If someone wants to just walk by it, take fresh air, they are welcome. Someone wants to swim in the ocean, they are welcome. Some others will take salt out of the ocean, yes. Some others want to dig deep and take oil, you are most welcome. Someone goes for fishing; take a few fishes, fine. Some others go and find all that precious stones, gems, its your choice.


譯者: C.W.Huang