2009-03-09 13:58:22Guruji


The Big ironic -- 巨大的諷刺

"This is ironic, it's a big irony: that freedom and surrender---they go hand in hand.
真是諷刺,大大的諷刺;自由與臣服 - 他們緊密相連。"


Surrender and Freedom -- 臣服與自由

There is no freedom at all without surrender, and when I surrender I get infinite freedom. The greater my surrender is, the greater my freedom, that much the load is taken off of me.


Power of Surrender -- 臣服的力量

"The greatest power is in surrender---surrender to the Divine.
最強大的力量來自於臣服 -- 臣服於神性。"

surrender Brings Peace -- 臣服帶來平靜

The moment there is surrender there is peace---that very second there is peace.
臣服那一刻即是平靜 -- 再來還是平靜。

