2004-12-24 20:19:35朝夜朝夕‧小叮噹

12/08/04 -- Sigh...SUCK network again

I am in computer lab now...sigh... Don't know what happened to the network... my desktop can't connect it...I even can't check email, no doubting that I can't online icq and msn at all.... Really disappointed to the Verizon DSL... It is not good to live in the apt because almost residents use Verizon DSL and end up with the slow speed by sharing the whole apartment... sigh... I miss my single house in SF.... fast speed..fast download...fast everything... (heee...too loudly)
Anyways, don't know who can help me??? I really do try my best to fix it myself. (restart the computer, reset the network place, re-winzard the rounter etc)..

someone who is good at fixing network.
Salary: NO... =p kidding... I can treat a dinner.
(I miss David... David, I want you to beside here...coz I know that you know how to fix!!!)

But I am also very unhappy for one thing.... I know I can't blame someone... b/c it is not his fault. I just really wanna stay at his home..It's really bad he needa leave on 30. I know his mom will get mad that my friends and I stay at his house with my friend's absence. I really wanna stay at his home when we have vacations to go up...sigh..I can't find there's the best place to stay other than his house. I am most sad because I can't do as my friends' wishes.. I disappoint them...sigh.... I find out I am soooooooo useless...
It's EXACTLY that there's not everything can come out as our expections.