2008-09-23 19:38:13Barbara
關於【出水蓮】About "The Lotus"
~Susan Lin跨界音樂製作. Barbara Lin經典琵琶演奏專輯<出水蓮>The Lotus
試聽 http://blog.xuite.net/musicswan/lotus
本專輯精選浦東派琵琶大師林石城先生的音樂版本,由Barbara Lin擔任琵琶獨奏;音樂科班出身,編曲製作領域寬廣涵蓋古典.流行.與跨界的林岑芳(Susan Lin)所製作的<出水蓮>,在保存了中國音樂的古典特質前提下,加入新世紀的背景音樂元素,和緩了古典音樂嚴肅沉重的情緒,讓愛樂者在欣賞音樂的同時,也達到放鬆身心的效果;因此本專輯對於初次嘗試聆賞體驗中國古典音樂之美的聽眾,也特別具有友善的親和力。
對於琵琶這表現力極強的中國樂器而言,要把剛柔並濟.推拉吟詠.彈挑掃拂等等,以及各種力度.動態.深度層次與細微的高頻活躍的在錄音中儘可能完整表現出來,對錄音工程來說是一項嚴苛的挑戰。這次”出水蓮”整張專輯在著名的白金錄音室(Platinum Studio)收音,由錄音師錢家瑞架設一組麥克風收音,演奏者與製作人並根據各樂曲的風格各自選用不同個性的琵琶.不同的收音室來收音,把出水蓮的搖曳生姿.漢宮秋月的皓寒愁緒.思春的心事曲折.大浪淘沙的清揚片灑.飛花點翠的捻袖冉綠.春江花月夜的江天一色.靠山的堅志柔忍與寒鴨戲水的優雅內斂等等豐富細緻的表情在錄音中真實地紀錄下來。
收音麥克風組 Mic Settings
Main Mic: B&K 4006
2 * Neumann U89 (1* Cardioid; *1 figure 8)
Room Mic: 2* Neumann U87Ai
Susan Lin, Production
Barbara Lin, Pipa
THE LOTUS presents the works of Lin Shi-Cheng, pipa master in the Pu-Dong style, performed by Barbara Lin and produced by Susan Lin. In this album, Susan, a classically trained and versatile musician, at home in both classical and pop music, combines the characteristics of Chinese classical music with New Age musical elements, offering listeners a soothing way into the beauty of Lin Shi-Cheng’s music.
The pipa is a highly expressive Chinese musical instrument, at the same time strong and tender, capable of producing different kinds of singing with the combination of various left hand and right hand techniques. It is a true challenge to capture all the nuances of a pipa performance in a recording. THE LOTUS was made possible by recording engineer Jerry Chien at the prestigious Platinum Studio in Taipei. Each piece was recorded in a different studio and on a different pipa to bring out its distinctive character: the graceful swaying of The Lotus, the melancholy of Autumn Moon over the Han Palace, the tormented mind of Missing Spring, the grandeur of Like Wave against Sands, the green freshness of Flying Flake in Pine, the splendor of Flourishing Spring Moon-Nights along Riversides, the fortitude of Mount Backer, and the elegance of Ospreys Sporting with Water.
Unlike the usual handling of this traditional repertoire, the production, arrangement and sound mastering of THE LOTUS make use of New Age conceptual elements. This album combines East and West, traditional and modern, to create a memorable sound.
(English translation by Shiau-uen Ding and Gabriel Ottoson-Deal)
~Susan Lin跨界音樂製作. Barbara Lin經典琵琶演奏專輯<出水蓮>The Lotus
試聽 http://blog.xuite.net/musicswan/lotus
本專輯精選浦東派琵琶大師林石城先生的音樂版本,由Barbara Lin擔任琵琶獨奏;音樂科班出身,編曲製作領域寬廣涵蓋古典.流行.與跨界的林岑芳(Susan Lin)所製作的<出水蓮>,在保存了中國音樂的古典特質前提下,加入新世紀的背景音樂元素,和緩了古典音樂嚴肅沉重的情緒,讓愛樂者在欣賞音樂的同時,也達到放鬆身心的效果;因此本專輯對於初次嘗試聆賞體驗中國古典音樂之美的聽眾,也特別具有友善的親和力。
對於琵琶這表現力極強的中國樂器而言,要把剛柔並濟.推拉吟詠.彈挑掃拂等等,以及各種力度.動態.深度層次與細微的高頻活躍的在錄音中儘可能完整表現出來,對錄音工程來說是一項嚴苛的挑戰。這次”出水蓮”整張專輯在著名的白金錄音室(Platinum Studio)收音,由錄音師錢家瑞架設一組麥克風收音,演奏者與製作人並根據各樂曲的風格各自選用不同個性的琵琶.不同的收音室來收音,把出水蓮的搖曳生姿.漢宮秋月的皓寒愁緒.思春的心事曲折.大浪淘沙的清揚片灑.飛花點翠的捻袖冉綠.春江花月夜的江天一色.靠山的堅志柔忍與寒鴨戲水的優雅內斂等等豐富細緻的表情在錄音中真實地紀錄下來。
收音麥克風組 Mic Settings
Main Mic: B&K 4006
2 * Neumann U89 (1* Cardioid; *1 figure 8)
Room Mic: 2* Neumann U87Ai
Susan Lin, Production
Barbara Lin, Pipa
THE LOTUS presents the works of Lin Shi-Cheng, pipa master in the Pu-Dong style, performed by Barbara Lin and produced by Susan Lin. In this album, Susan, a classically trained and versatile musician, at home in both classical and pop music, combines the characteristics of Chinese classical music with New Age musical elements, offering listeners a soothing way into the beauty of Lin Shi-Cheng’s music.
The pipa is a highly expressive Chinese musical instrument, at the same time strong and tender, capable of producing different kinds of singing with the combination of various left hand and right hand techniques. It is a true challenge to capture all the nuances of a pipa performance in a recording. THE LOTUS was made possible by recording engineer Jerry Chien at the prestigious Platinum Studio in Taipei. Each piece was recorded in a different studio and on a different pipa to bring out its distinctive character: the graceful swaying of The Lotus, the melancholy of Autumn Moon over the Han Palace, the tormented mind of Missing Spring, the grandeur of Like Wave against Sands, the green freshness of Flying Flake in Pine, the splendor of Flourishing Spring Moon-Nights along Riversides, the fortitude of Mount Backer, and the elegance of Ospreys Sporting with Water.
Unlike the usual handling of this traditional repertoire, the production, arrangement and sound mastering of THE LOTUS make use of New Age conceptual elements. This album combines East and West, traditional and modern, to create a memorable sound.
(English translation by Shiau-uen Ding and Gabriel Ottoson-Deal)