2010-05-03 14:26:14concise living

Shanghai world expo - better city better life

The Shanghai World Expo 2010 on Better City, Better Life, is an international exposition that will take place from 1 May to 31 October 2010 in Shanghai

The United Nations Pavilion

The Government of China has invited the United Nations to demonstrate its work at Shanghai World Expo 2010 in a 3,000 square meter pavilion. The United Nations will have its own state-of-the-art pavilion held under the theme of One Earth, One UN. The Pavilion will be situated in a prime location within the International Organizations area of the Expo site. It will host permanent and rotating exhibitions as well as a vibrant programme of activities.

As the lead agency in the United Nations System for sustainable urban development, UN-HABITAT will coordinate the participation of all agencies, programmes and funds of the United Nations at the Shanghai World Expo 2010.

The message: One Earth, One UN

Since ancient times, cities have set the social, political, economic, cultural, scientific and environmental trends of the world – both good and bad. With half of humanity now living in cities, and with urban poverty, pollution and crime rising, one of the biggest challenges facing the global community is sustainable urbanisation.

The crucible of change, a magnet for people from everywhere, the city is the laboratory of our humanity, the engine of sustainable economic growth and development.

The United Nations is the international forum where all nations meet as equals in the common interest of our One Earth. The Shanghai World Expo 2010 will give every United Nations agency the opportunity to showcase new ideas and solutions for cities in a dazzling One United Nations pavilion presenting the challenges and opportunities of globalisation.