2002-07-07 21:22:43greeting

My Favorite Book

That is a special summer vacation. In that period of time, I passed through an important stage, threw former baggage away, and prepared to start a new life. I had just finished my JCEE.

As I got my report card, I was filled with a lot of trouble. Because I didn't know what subject I should choose to major in. I didn't have a clear interest, and every subject seemed to be good. At last, I chose physics, which is the fundamental of any other natural sciences. But after I handed over my aspiration card, one day, I went to stroll around a bookstore, and found a book which attracted me very deeply. The name of this book is "The experiences of my curing in Lan Yu."

This book was written by a Bunun doctor who had also published many books. Since his youth, he had been determined to serve for Taiwan original residents in medical treatment. In this book, he told us the stories that he served in Lan Yu, what he saw, and what difficulties he suffered. Because of living in Lan Yu, which is a small islet separated from Taiwan island, the people, Tao, still retained most of their own cultures. This is a thing with congratulatory worth. But when they fall ill, they would rather believe ghosts and gods instead of accepting modern medical treatment. As far as they are concerned, it is not a good thing. Although they just only want to keep their tradition, the life, in my opinion, is still most important of all. They should try to find out the balance point between these two things.

But recent years, their living surroundings have been being enormously destroyed by us. More and more nuclear-power scraps were sent Lan Yu to pollute their living surroundings, and we just used a little money to quiet down their resistance. How ugly, cruel, disgusting, and disappointed a thing it is! The author adequately expresses his sadness, disappointment, and lack of strength in the book. The misunderstanding of the residents there, and the pressure from the central authorities, both makes him down hearted. But nevertheless, he still loves people there, shows understanding for them, and adequately expresses his concern.

This is really a nice book, and it gives me a lot of influences and shocks. Now, I finally find out what I want that I didn't know before and had searched for since a long time ago. I suddenly become aware of that originally I want to be a doctor very much. Many things seem to become clear at the same time.

I feel that love is the power of anything. The doctor is a kind of job that relieves people and needs much love. I think it is a suitable work to myself, and I am glad to help others sincerely.

Although I am very happy, there is still a little regret. Because the time I saw this book is too late, I can't change my aspiration or preparee for it earlier. Even so, I am still satisfied with the new harvest!
