2004-12-16 21:19:46靜花香

Be delicate, will you?

Remember the day when I got accepted to HKU medicine in August 1999, I cried.

I cried because I dreaded starting my life in Hong Kong at this university, I dreaded seeing somebody ever again for the entity of my life, who continuously gave me dead looks for the past 5 years. I hate being hated. I dread having been treated like a piece of dirt. I dread not being treated in trust and honesty. And there were something old and extremely uneasy swinging round my head, like how I was forced to partner-up with somebody in gymnastics, or being compared to in a physics' November test result. Oh damn, that was hell undesirably bad.

So time swings on and I have long forgotten, there was also one song that suddenly popped out of my little head on the very same day, as I got a phone call from the University about the acceptance to Med school. It was 'Amazing Grace'. As I'm humming the tune now the lyrics flows out, '...that saved a *wretch* like me.... I once was lost, but now am found.....'

And funnily enough, this very same lady became a real friend of mine after these years of trying from me. Isn't it amazing?
* * *

I'd just like to say, Deo Gratias, for what I have gone through these 3 months. Yes, it's Dec 16th today. This very very same day of mine.

(Photo: Smiles from last Christmas! Wanna see mine this xmas?)