2003-04-05 14:42:41季翔 ( E )

(4) Tom Wissenbach from USA 1977





Dear Hsing-Yi,

Sorry I have not written a letter to you in a while like I promised but I have been getting ready for school. Now I am at school and hopefully I will be able to write to you often.

I have a new address that you must use when you write a letter to me.

I am twenty years old. When you get to be my age in the United States you go away to school at what we call a university. A university is where the highest level of schooling is taught. One will go to a university usually for four years then he will receive a diploma and go off to work. Or if she is a girl she may go to work and later get married and start a family. Bath men and women can go to a university but not all of them do. Many people bath boys and girls, start working right after they get out of high school.

I do not know if you are familiar with the school system of the United States, but I will try to explain it anyway. In the United States there are twelve years of school that one must attend in order to get any kind of full time job after he gets out of school.

These twelve years of school are divided into three parts. The first part of school is called elementary school; these are the years from one through sixth grade. The second part of school is called Junior High, these are the years from seventh through ninth. The third and last part of school is called High School,these are the years from tenth through twelfth.

After the twelfth grade you will receive a piece of paper proving that you completed the minimum number years of school. This piece of paper is called a diploma.

Yes, Hsing Yi, I long visit beautiful Taiwan, but most of all I long to meet you in person. Often I dream of going to Taiwan to meet you. I believe that one of these days I really will go to Taiwan just so I can meet you. Sometimes I think that I may not be able to go and meet you at your home so I really would like to bring you to my home. Yes, my dear Hsing-Yi, I have often thought of how I could bring you to my country to live. Right now, it is only a fantasy of mine but hopefully someday I will be able to bring you here.

Hsing-Yi, if you have not guessed by now. I will tell you, I love you. I love you more than one loves his sister, even though I have never met you. So be prepared, when I come to meet you I am going to kidnap You, I am going to steal you from home and take you home with me to the United States. Do not worry I will write to you before I do so you will have time to pack your clothes and get ready for the trip.

I love you very much,
Oct.10, 1977