2019-08-10 19:58:27gmsggyse2egm

【今日特惠】[美國直購] Echo 兒童智能音箱 Dot Kids Edition, a smart speaker with Alexa for kids - punch red case-家電

一個剛從國外回來的朋友想購買[美國直購] Echo 兒童智能音箱 Dot Kids Edition, a smart speaker with Alexa for kids - punch red case













Now Alexa is a kid-friendly DJ, comedian, and storyteller — and she’s always getting smarter. Just ask and Alexa will play music, answer questions, read stories, tell jokes, and more — all with younger ears in mind.

Up to $109 in savings on Echo Dot (Black), 1 year of Amazon FreeTime Unlimited, and a kid-friendly case, plus a 2-year worry-free guarantee—if they break it, return it and we’ll replace it for free

The included 1 year of FreeTime Unlimited gives your kids access to hundreds of hours of fun and educational content, including ad-free radio stations and playlists, Audible books, and a growing list of premium kids skills. After one year, your subscription will automatically renew every month starting at just $2.99/month plus applicable tax. You may cancel any time by visiting the Amazon Parent Dashboard or contacting Customer Service.

達人 1 year of FreeTime Unlimited gives you access to over 300 Audible books for kids, like Beauty & the Beast and Peter Pan, thousands of songs, and kid-favorite games and skills from Disney, National Geographic, Nickelodeon, and more

Easy-to-use parental controls in the online Amazon Parent Dashboard let you set daily time limits, review activity, or pause Alexa on the device

Kids can control lights, plugs, switches, and more with compatible connected devices

Automatically filter explicit songs from Amazon Music or Spotify

Call kids to dinner or tell them it’s bedtime from compatible Echo devices in the house. Plus, add approved friends and family for calling and messaging outside the house.




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[美國直購] Echo 兒童智能音箱 Dot Kids Edition, a smart speaker with Alexa for kids - punch red case 本日刷卡購買商品折扣, [美國直購] Echo 兒童智能音箱 Dot Kids Edition, a smart speaker with Alexa for kids - punch red case 本日刷卡折扣, [美國直購] Echo 兒童智能音箱 Dot Kids Edition, a smart speaker with Alexa for kids - punch red case 本日刷卡獨享好康, [美國直購] Echo 兒童智能音箱 Dot Kids Edition, a smart speaker with Alexa for kids - punch red case 本月刷卡優惠, [美國直購] Echo 兒童智能音箱 Dot Kids Edition, a smart speaker with Alexa for kids - punch red case 本月限時刷卡折扣, [美國直購] Echo 兒童智能音箱 Dot Kids Edition, a smart speaker with Alexa for kids - punch red case 本月限時刷卡優惠, [美國直購] Echo 兒童智能音箱 Dot Kids Edition, a smart speaker with Alexa for kids - punch red case 生日禮物推薦, [美國直購] Echo 兒童智能音箱 Dot Kids Edition, a smart speaker with Alexa for kids - punch red case 送禮首選, [美國直購] Echo 兒童智能音箱 Dot Kids Edition, a smart speaker with Alexa for kids - punch red case 送禮推薦, [美國直購] Echo 兒童智能音箱 Dot Kids Edition, a smart speaker with Alexa for kids - punch red case 超實用居家用品, [美國直購] Echo 兒童智能音箱 Dot Kids Edition, a smart speaker with Alexa for kids - punch red case 推薦知名購物網
