2001-09-16 05:59:35尚未設定


陳奕迅 曲:周杰倫 詞:徐世珍
uh.....i have something to say to you but uh.....i don't really know how to .....uh.....well forget it, i'll, i'll just sing to you ..... ok....alright here we go
從 沒想過 有個人 能讓我改變我 這一次 怎麼會 認真考慮起明天是不是 存點錢 也許少抽一點煙 從 沒想過 為了愛 我也會失眠
愛 一個人 原來是 一種甜蜜的考驗我總是 學不會 在你面前說一個拒絕 (oh baby) 愛情愛情都是註定凡是你說過的每句每句都是真理朋友笑我是報應
總算有個人 我搞不定 愛情愛情都是天意放眼望去別人還是還是比不上你我竟然想定下來是冤家路窄 才會相愛 it's been a long time since
i ever felt anybody make my heart beatso fast that i can hardly wait to get up set up and gear up so i can drive over to pick you up
doin' a hundred on the freeway the l.o.v.e highwayit's not everyday i get to say the things i wanna say to youthe way i wanna make love to you and thank god for a girl like you